THINC Lab | College of Arts


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THINC Lab is an inclusive space that supports collaborative, interdisciplinary, and digital humanities research at the University of Guelph.

THINC Lab mandate

As part of the University of Guelph, THINC Lab resides on the ancestral lands of the Attawandaron people and the treaty lands and territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. We recognize the significance of the Dish with One Spoon Covenant to this land and offer our respect to our Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee and Métis neighbours, with whom we hope to engage collaboratively.

The Humanities Interdisciplinary Collaboration Lab is a space that supports collaborative, interdisciplinary, and digital humanities research at the University of Guelph.

In collaboration with the Library and the College of Arts, THINC Lab provides space, programming, resources, and support for the exploration and adoption of digital methods for research and publication, within and in collaboration with humanities research. In concert with other initiatives, we aim to create opportunities for practical and critical engagement with the ways that the humanities are being transformed by the digital turn and to build the digital humanities community at the University of Guelph.

THINC Lab is:

  • a research space, a lab providing workspace for researchers and research assistants working on a range of projects;
  • a collaborative space, where researchers can connect, learn synergistically from each other’s expertise and insights, whether their research is team-oriented or individual;
  • a space to support the development, testing, and refinement of digital tools to advance research connected to the humanities;
  • a training space, where students, postdoctoral fellows, contractual staff, faculty, librarians, and archivists can learn and experiment with a range of digital tools, and extend their knowledge of interdisciplinary and collaborative research methods;
  • a shared space where events related to interdisciplinary and collaborative work on campus can take place, consistent with the primary role of THINC Lab as a research space;
  • a public face for DH@Guelph and related initiatives, both on campus and within regional and Canadian digital humanities networks.

THINC Lab provides

  • Graduate Residencies for students looking for a community, a regular workspace, and support in collaborative, interdisciplinary, or digital scholarship related to the humanities;
  • Memberships for researchers looking to use the lab on an occasional basis;
  • Affiliations for research projects in need of collaborative workspace;
  • Workshops through the DH@Guelph series and partner events;
  • Lectures and presentations on research-in-progress through the DH@Guelph series, the  IF: Intersectional Feminist speaker series, and partner events;
  • Support for conference, training, and research travel by THINC Lab residents, in partnership with the College of Arts and the Canada Research Chair program;
  • Seed grants to help digital humanities or interdisciplinary projects get underway, in partnership with the Canada Research Chair program.

THINC Lab, as an inclusive space, welcomes differences as a source of intellectual and cultural strength. We aim to foster a positive and productive working environment in which it is safe to take risks, fail, and so to learn.

THINC Lab is located on the 2nd floor of the McLaughlin Library and provides workstations and seats for about twenty people, several computer stations, and several large monitors for projecting from laptops. It provides a home for research, training, collaboration, for the DH@Guelph DigiCafé, DigiDo series, and other related events.

The space was created and runs with the support of the College of Arts, the McLaughlin Library and Office of the CIO, and the Office of Research at the University of Guelph, with external funding from the Canada Foundation for Innovation and Canada Research Chairs Program. There are many ways to become a part of the THINC Lab community: you can apply for a Membership, a Graduate Residency, or for a Faculty Seed Grant. Everyone is welcome to attend our DHatGuelph DigiCafé Series or DigiDo Workshops.

THINC Lab is available to be booked over the lunch hour or outside of regular working hours for events supporting interdisciplinary, collaborative, and digital humanities research at Guelph. Please contact us at