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Past Events

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SOFAM Visiting Artists & Speakers Presents Sonya Schonberger

Berlin artist Sonya Schönberger works in video, photography andinstallation to explore questions of memory, identity and trauma especiall y in relation to the impact of WWII on several generations of Germans. In a recent work, she met eyewitnesses from the time of World War II and conduct ed personal interviews with them, exploring the cultural memory of the Germ an society. She followed these witnesses and memory-keepers into the everyda y life of the Third Reich: onto the battlefields, in prison camps, into de

The Ethics and Politics of Food presents Adam Sneyd & Alexander Legw egoh "Food Security Perscpectives in Central Africa"

Everyone Welcome. Perspectives abound on how members of the Ce ntral African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC) - including Cameroon,Central African Republic, Chad, Congo-Brazzaville, Equatorial Guinea andGabon - can transcend food security challenges and threats. Drawing on rese arch conducted on 4 recent field visits to Cameroon and upon an extensive co ntent analysis, Sneyd and Legwegoh show how perspectives on the requisites for food security in CEMAC differ, and why these divergent perspectives mat ter.

Cafe Philosophique presents the 2013 CBC Massey Lecturer Lawrence Hi ll

Lawrence Hill will talk about his book "BLOOD: The Stuff of Life " with Professor Dionne Brand. Book sales and a book signing will conclude the evening. Tickets $10, Students $8 available in advance at The Bookshel f or at the door starting at 6:15pm.

ICASP Reading Group with Dr. Kati Szego

Focus on the use of improvisation and other forms of music in co ntributing to local community building. Dr. Kati Szego is an enthnomusicolo gist from Memorial University of Newfoundland. Everyone is welcome!

Comedy in the Egyptian Revolution: Eid Mohamed at MESS

On Thursday October 24 at 5 PM, the Middle East Scholars Society Presents Dr. Eid Mohamed, Adjunct Professor, University of Guelph's History Department: “Comedy in the Egyptian Revolution: Melting Fear Through Laughtivism." The talk takes place in 237 MacKinnon Building. Everyone is welcome to attend and NO RSVPS are needed! Get the flyer: .pdf

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