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Past Events

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College of Arts 2 Week Activity Challenge

The 2-week activity challenge starts Friday, September 22 -  ( The 2-week activity challenge starts TODAY, Friday September 22nd – it’s an online group challenge involving logging physical activity in preparation for Wellness Month, which occurs in October.

Meet the Centre for Scottish Studies

Come on out and meet the people who make the Centre for Scottish Studies such an awesome division of the College of Arts and the History Departments!

History Department's Fall Social

Please join us at the History Department Fall Social on Thursday, September 14 from  5:00 -7:00 @ Albion Hotel (upstairs). The address is 49 Norfolk Street, Guelph, Ontario. There will be light snacks. For more details, please contact Linda Mahood,  

MRP Defense - Jody Hodgins (1st for History Dept. in F17)

Title: The Canadian Army Veterinary Corps’ Fight Against Glanders on The Front in World War One. Student: Jody Hodgins Date: Thursday, September 14, 2017 Time: 2:30 pm  Venue: MCKN EXT 2020   Chair: Susan Nance Advisor: Alan Gordon  Committee: Stuart McCook

History Graduate Student Orientation

The Tri-U Graduate Program in History and Guelph History Department orientation for new graduate students is Sept. 6 at 10:30 am in MACK 304. Agenda attached...

Early Photography and Rural Ontario: Jacqueline McIsaac PhD Defence

On August 16, Jacqueline McIsaac will defend her PhD thesis: Writing with Light: Rural Ontario's Glass Plate Photography and Visions of Rural Land, 1851-1920 The defence takes place in 132 MacKinnon at 10:00am. All welcome! See abstract below.

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