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History News

New research from Karen Racine: "History & Transatlantic Imagination"

Congratulations to Professor Karen Racine on seeing her wonderfully detailed interdisciplinary article become a thing in the world! "History and the Transatlantic Imagination" interrogates the histories of emotions and objectivity through an analysis of Robert Southey’s History of Brazil and the tension between literary and literal authority in the 1810s.

Find it in Ana Peluffo and Ronald Briggs' edited collection, Latin American Literature in Transition, 1800-1870 (Cambridge UP, 2022).

History Society - call for student members

The History Society is welcoming new undergraduate members who are studying history or who are even just interested in history! Our bi-weekly meetings allow history students to meet in a non-academic setting to socialize and get to know each other. Events throughout the year like a trip to the archives, documentary and discussion, as well as ‘meet the professors’ encourage history students to learn about campus resources and networking opportunities. Follow us on Instagram for the latest updates and more information @historysocietyuofg !

Two Edited Collections from Jacqueline Murray

Congratulations to Royal Historical Society & 3M Teaching Fellow, Dr. Jacqueline Murray, on the publication over the summer of two edited collections! 

The Male Body & Social Masculinity and Patriarchy, Honour, and Violence have both been published by The Centre For Renaissance & Reformation Studies at the University of Toronto. What a wonderful accomplishment to cap off twenty-one years at the University of Guelph as you embark on quests beyond our campus!