History News
Scottish Studies Announces Winner of Frank Watson Book Prize: Edmunds, Gaelic Influence in the Northumbrian Region
The Centre for Scottish Studies is delighted to announce the winner of the Frank Watson Book Prize for the best book or monograph published on Scottish History (2019-2020):
Fiona Edmonds, Gaelic Influence in the Northumbrian Kingdom: The Golden Age and the Viking Age (Boydell, 2019).
New Hire! Deirdre McCorkindale - Assistant Professor in Black Canadian History
The Department is delighted to announce the appointment of Deirdre McCorkindale as Assistant Professor in Black Canadian History, effective July 1. She will be teaching in both the History department and the new Black Canadian Studies Minor program.
Digital Aid: Kim Martin on CBC, Globe & Mail re: Saving Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Online (SUCHO)
From the Globe & Mail:
"Kimberly Martin, an assistant professor at the University of Guelph in Ontario, is one of the co-ordinators taking care of organizing the data that is being collected so that it’ll be easy to rebuild the sites that are lost. She would also find websites of importance and list them on a shared document where other volunteers could work on scraping their data.
History Society seeks new student representatives...
Hey Gryphons! The UofG History Society is back!
Do you enjoy learning about history? Are you interested in meeting like-minded students?
Registration Now Open!! Tri-University History Conference
Registration for the 2022 Tri-U History Conference, Face-to-Face with History, is now open.
Tri-U Conference Keynote Announced: Dr. Lukasz Krzyzanowski on the Post-War Jewish Return to Poland
The 28th Annual Tri-University Graduate Program in History Conference, Face to Face with History, is excited to announce that Dr.