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College News

Philosophy: Teaching award for Stefan Linquist

We're delighted that our Associate Professor Stefan Linquist has just won the 2016 University of Guelph Faculty Association Distinguished Professor Award for Excellence in Teaching. Much deserved—congratulations Stefan!

History: Catherine Carstairs in The Guardian on the Fluoridation Debate

This week Dr. Catherine Carstairs is interviewed on the history and politics of water fluoridation:

... Even the history of water fluoridation is a toxic subject, as Catherine Carstairs, a professor at the University of Guelph in Ontario, recently discovered. Carstairs was taken aback by the “fierceness” of the responses to her paper in the American Journal of Public Health last year. It was attacked as “an attempt to reignite and legitimise the unsubstantiated claims of anti-fluoridationists”. The journal’s editor was forced to defend his decision to publish “an article that does not unconditionally support community water fluoridation or its glorious history”, as well as the journal’s right “to publish strong pieces of research even when they do not fit well with our preconceived ideas."

"You don’t usually get this kind of attention as an historian,” says Carstairs. “It was like, how dare you say anything against water fluoridation.”

Social media has inured us to the bloodsport of “calling out” or “shutting down” opponents whose views are unorthodox or contrarian. But the people calling out Carstairs and Peckham were university academics, not bedroom-residing teenagers.

Tooth decay is the most widespread chronic disease...

Read the rest of the story at The Guardian

History: Time Travel: Alan Gordon's New Book is Here!

Congratulations to our own Dr. Alan Gordon for his new publication with UBC Press, Time Travel: Tourism and the Rise of the Living History Museum in Mid-Twentieth-Century Canada (2016)

from the jacket:
In the 1960s, Canadians could step through time to eighteenth-century trading posts or nineteenth-century pioneer towns. These living history museums promised authentic reconstructions of the past but, as Time Travel shows, they revealed more about mid-twentieth-century interests and perceptions of history than they reflected historical fact. The post-war appetite for commercial tourism led to the development of living history museums. They became important components of economic growth, especially as part of government policy to promote regional economic diversity and employment. Time Travel considers these museums in their historical context, revealing how Canadians understood the relationship between their history and the material world.

History: McDougall on Cold War Soccer in the East

Our own Dr. Alan McDougall is interviewed this week at the New Books Network. In The People’s Game: Football, State and Society (Cambridge University Press, 2014), Alan McDougall looks at football from the top-down and bottom-up: as a tool of the state, as forming regional identities in East Germany and in a reunified Germany, and as a popular pastime. Although characterized by mediocrity compared to other sports in East Germany, McDougall demonstrates the ways in which football gave people a means of expressing identities that were separated from and even opposed to that endorsed by the state.

read the rest of the story at the New Books Network.

History: History Society - Membership & Arts Week Archive Tour


History Society 

Final meeting of the semester - March 22nd

The History Society is having it's final meeting of the year on March 22nd at 5:30pm in Mackinnon 307. If you're interested in being involved in the History Society for 2016-17, please come out! There will be opportunities to plan for next year's events, and if you're interested, to serve on the executive.

The History Students Society has also organized an Archives Tour as part of Arts Week on Monday, March 21st.  Get the poster .pdf


History: Gregory Klages New Book is Here!

Dr. Gregory Klages, a long-time instrutor for the Department on our main campus and at the Guelph-Humber campus, has just published a new book. Published with Toronto's Dundurn Press, The Many Deaths of Tom Thomson: Separating Fact from Fiction weighs in on the mysterious death of a well-known painter associated with the famed "Group of Seven" artists.

from the jacket:  How did Tom Thomson die in the summer of 1917?

Was he shot by poachers, or by a German-American draft dodger? Did a blow from a canoe paddle knock him unconscious and into the water? Was he fatally injured in a drunken fight? Did he end his life out of fear of being forced to marry his pregnant girlfriend?

Commemorating the one hundredth anniversary of the death of the renowned Canadian landscape painter, The Many Deaths of Tom Thomson offers an authoritative review of the historical record, as well as some theories you might not have thought of in a hundred years. Cultural historian Gregory Klages surveys first-hand testimony and archival records about Thomson’s tragic demise, attempting to sort fact from legend in the death of this Canadian icon.

History: Susan Nance on Ringling Brothers' Centre for Elephant Conservation

This week Dr. Susan Nance is interviewed in a piece on VICE, "Ringling Bros. Elephant Sanctuary is Hardly a Paradise." The story explains the nature of and controversy over the Ringling Brothers, Barnum & Bailey Circuses' decision to retire the company elephants and keep them at a facility in Florida in which the animals will be bred with artificial insemination and employed in cancer research. 

In an interview with Peter Holslin, Nance explains why the future of these particular elephants is so hotly contested, and the history of public interest in the lives of the elephant population in North America. 

Read the story at VICE.

History: Invitation to History: First Year Course Topics are Here!

HIST*1050 Invitation to History is a new, mandatory course for all first year History majors and minors. 

Invitation to History introduces students to the basics of the historian’s craft including interpreting primary sources, locating and critically analyzing secondary sources and writing for History. It will provide you with the tools you need for success in your History major, minor or area of concentration. Choose any one of the following four classes. 

Fall 2016 - Hist*1050*01  Licit and Illicit Drugs   (instructor: Dr. Catherine Carstairs)
This course will examine the history of the use of licit and illicit drugs across the world, and examine why some have been forbidden and others permitted. 

Fall 2016 - Hist*1050*02  Polar Encounters   (instructor: Dr. Alan Gordon)
This course will trace the history of northern American exploration, including the mysteries of the disappearance of the Franklin and Hudson expeditions, as well as encounters among various peoples in the North and between people and the environment.

Winter 2017 - Hist*1050*03  Crime and Culture   (instructor: Dr. Elizabeth Ewan)
This course will study criminal acts such as homicide, witchcraft, theft and slander and how they were defined and prosecuted in past centuries, and the class will employ historical court records to recover the experiences of people in the past.

For more, visit our First Year Courses page