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CBC Literary Awards Short-Lists include Creative Writing MFA students, alumni and faculty

Congratulations to Kilby Smith-McGregor, in her second year of the program, for being short-listed in the CBC Literary Awards in BOTH Creative Non-fiction and Poetry.  

Also congratulations to Mathew Henderson for his short-listing in the Poetry Category.

Program alumna Cassie Beecham was short-listed in the Short Fiction Category and Karen Connelly, sessional instructor in Creative Non-Fiction, was short-listed in the Creative Non-Fiction category.

A great showing by the MFA program!

History: Now on FACEBOOK: Rural History Roundtable at Guelph

The Rural History Roundtable is now in full-swing for this term, with a packed speaker list through to the end of April. In order to keep you all updated we have created the new Rural History Roundtable Facebook Page! Feel free to 'like' the page ...

Now on FACEBOOK: Rural History Roundtable at Guelph

The Rural History Roundtable is now in full-swing for this term, with a packed speaker list through to the end of April. In order to keep you all updated we have created the new Rural History Roundtable Facebook Page! Feel free to 'like' the page ...

History: Environtmental and Local Power in the Gulf Islands - Rural History Roundtable

On Tuesday, February 15, Sharon Weaver presents some of her latest research at the Rural History Roundtable: "Environmental and Local Power in the Gulf Islands: The Islands Trust and Debates on Denman, 1974-79." Sharon Weaver is a doctoral candidate in the Department of History and author of "Rural Encounters: 1970's Back to the Land," which appeared in Oral History Forum last Fall. The talk taks place in the OAC Boardroom (104 Johnston Hall) from 2:30-4:30pm. All welcome! Get the flyer: (.pdf)

Environtmental and Local Power in the Gulf Islands - Rural History Roundtable

On Tuesday, February 15, Sharon Weaver presents some of her latest research at the Rural History Roundtable: "Environmental and Local Power in the Gulf Islands: The Islands Trust and Debates on Denman, 1974-79." Sharon Weaver is a doctoral candidate in the Department of History and author of "Rural Encounters: 1970's Back to the Land," which appeared in Oral History Forum last Fall. The talk taks place in the OAC Boardroom (104 Johnston Hall) from 2:30-4:30pm. All welcome! Get the flyer: (.pdf)

History: Kris Inwood and Graeme Morton Win $375,000 CFI Grant

History and Economics professor Kris Inwood has been awarded $375,000 from the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) for his “People in Motion” project. Working with history professor Graeme Morton and Department of Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics professor John Cranfield, Inwood is using data mining and other computing techniques to prepare a Canadian database to understand how experience, family circumstance and even genetic heritage affect adult health, migration and social mobility. "Taking a historical perspective on issues, challenges and implications will help us understand a wide range of public policy issues," Inwood said. (read more...)

Kris Inwood and Graeme Morton Win $375,000 CFI Grant

History and Economics professor Kris Inwood has been awarded $375,000 from the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) for his “People in Motion” project. Working with history professor Graeme Morton and Department of Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics professor John Cranfield, Inwood is using data mining and other computing techniques to prepare a Canadian database to understand how experience, family circumstance and even genetic heritage affect adult health, migration and social mobility. "Taking a historical perspective on issues, challenges and implications will help us understand a wide range of public policy issues," Inwood said. (read more...)

History: Amusing Science: French Children at Play 1830-1914 - Cafe Philosophique 2011 Premier Event

Tuesday evening, Jan. 18, the COA Cafe Philosophique series presents Dr. Sofie Lachapelle: "Amusing Science: French Children at Play 1830 - 1914." The talk takes place in downtown Guelph at 7:30 pm at the NV Lounge (16 Wyndham Street North). Dr. Sofie Lachapelle is an associate professor in the Department of History and the Bachelor of Art and Sciences at the University of Guelph. Her work deals with the history of popular and marginal sciences in 19th century France. Her book "Investigating the Supernatural" will be released by Johns Hopkins University Press in June 2011.

Amusing Science: French Children at Play 1830-1914 - Cafe Philosophique 2011 Premier Event

Tuesday evening, Jan. 18, the COA Cafe Philosophique series presents Dr. Sofie Lachapelle: "Amusing Science: French Children at Play 1830 - 1914." The talk takes place in downtown Guelph at 7:30 pm at the NV Lounge (16 Wyndham Street North). Dr. Sofie Lachapelle is an associate professor in the Department of History and the Bachelor of Art and Sciences at the University of Guelph. Her work deals with the history of popular and marginal sciences in 19th century France. Her book "Investigating the Supernatural" will be released by Johns Hopkins University Press in June 2011.

History: Why Buy a Local Product from an Importer? - Rural History Roundtable 2011 Premier Event

Tuesday, Jan. 18, the Department of History Rural History Roundtable presents Dr. Douglas McCalla: "Why Buy a Local Product from an Importer? Local Goods and Local Exchange in Rural Upper Canadian Charge Accounts." The talk takes place from 2:30-4:30pm in the OAC Boardroom (104 Johnson Hall) - All Welcome! Dr. McCalla is the Canada Research Chair in Rural History, University of Guelph.