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Prof. Catherine Wilson’s MA History students, in collaboration with CFRU’s Chris Currie, are on CFRU this July and August airing their half-hour shows featuring 19th-century diarists from the Rural Diary Archive website.

History Students Making Radio Waves This Summer


Tune in to Radio 93.3 FM for Professor Wilson’s MA History students on CFRU this July and August.  Students of “Rural History HIST6550” have created half-hour shows in collaboration with Chris Currie from CFRU, the University of Guelph’s radio station.  Each show features a nineteenth-century diarist from the Rural Diary Archive website. 

English Prof Receives Prestigious Killam Fellowship

SETS faculty member Christine Bold received the Prestigious Killam Fellowship. Uncovering the "hidden histories" of Indigenous vaudeville actors such as Princess Chinquilla is the goal of Professor Bold.  Her two-year $140,000 award provides release from teaching and administrative duties so that she can work full time on a research project that she says upends long-held notions of the role Native peoples play in the popular culture of the late 1800s and early 1900s.  Congratulations!

Jessica Riley

Jessica Riley, SETS PhD grad, will be taking up a tenure-track position in the Department of Theatre and Film at the University of Winnipeg in January 2019. She will be teaching theatre history, script analysis, and dramaturgy. Congratulations, Jess!

Group picture in front of Philippeion at Olympia

Trip to Greece

In early May, Dr John Walsh traveled to Greece to visit historical monuments and locations with 30 students and alumni. The group visited Athens, Mycenae, Epidaurus, Corinth, Olympia, Delphi, and several Greek islands. Preparations are underway to visit again next year, and John plans to add Crete to the list of destinations.