News | Page 49 | College of Arts


Rural Diary Archive Celebrates its First Year

On September 24th, the Rural Diary Archive celebrated its first anniversary. To date volunteers have transcribed 1,630 diary pages in this ongoing crowdsourcing project.

Webmaster Julia Barclay is a third-year history student and busy uploading additional diaries from across Ontario for people to read, search and transcribe online. Cathy Wilson, Founder and Director of the project, will be speaking to several groups in Wellington County this year as we now have 24 diarists from the County. Check out our diaries for 1867 as we approach Canada’s sesquicentennial.


Our New Hire! Dr. Brittany Luby

The Department is very delighted to announce that, beginning in January 2017, Brittany Luby will be joining our faculty. Professor Luby comes to us from Laurentian University.   

Professor Emerita Mary Rogers, 1934-2016

It is with great sadness that we note the passing on July 15 of History Department Professor Emerita Mary Rogers.

Mary completed her education at the University of Pennsylvania and worked for almost a decade at Sweet Briar College before coming to the University of Guelph in 1966. She was trained in medieval religious history.

Gregory Klages' New Book is Here!

Dr. Gregory Klages, a long-time instructor for the Department on our main campus and at the Guelph-Humber campus, has just published a new book. Published with Toronto's Dundurn Press, The Many Deaths of Tom Thomson: Separating Fact from Fiction weighs in on the mysterious death of a well-known painter associated with the famed "Group of Seven" artists.

Susan Nance on Ringling Brothers' Centre for Elephant Conservation

This week Dr. Susan Nance is interviewed in a piece on VICE, "Ringling Bros. Elephant Sanctuary is Hardly a Paradise." The story explains the nature of and controversy over the Ringling Brothers, Barnum & Bailey Circuses' decision to retire the company elephants and keep them at a facility in Florida in which the animals will be bred with artificial insemination and employed in cancer research.