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Welcome to Dr. James Fraser - New Scottish Studies Chair

The Department extends a very warm welcome to Dr. James Fraser, who joins our Department in January as our new Scottish Studies Foundation Chair. James comes to us from the Department of History at the University of Edinburgh where he is a Senior Lecturer in Early Scottish History. He is the author ofFrom Caledonia to Pictland: Scotland to 795(Edinburgh University Press, 2009); The Roman Conquest of Scotland: the Battle of Mons Graupius AD 84 (Tempus Publishing, 2005); and The Battle of Dunnichen 685 (Tempus Publishing, 2002). He has extensive teaching experience at the graduate and undergraduate level, and is also a graduate of the University of Guelph (MA '99).  

History: Norman Finkelstein presented by the ASA and MESS

norman finkelstein event poster image






November 6, the ASA and Mess proudly presentNorman Finkelstein, renowned political scientist, author, commentator, and lecturer, who will offer his insight on conflict in the Middle East. Tickets $5 at the door. See attached flyer .pdf


Norman Finkelstein presented by the ASA and MESS

norman finkelstein event poster image






November 6, the ASA and Mess proudly presentNorman Finkelstein, renowned political scientist, author, commentator, and lecturer, who will offer his insight on conflict in the Middle East. Tickets $5 at the door. See attached flyer .pdf


SOLAL: New Publication by Professor Clive Thomson

The title of the new book is: Georges Hérelle: archéologue de l'inversion sexuelle "fin de siècle"

Georges Hérelle is an important figure in the history of homosexuality in France

Book cover

New Publication by Professor Clive Thomson

The title of the new book is: Georges Hérelle: archéologue de l'inversion sexuelle "fin de siècle"

Georges Hérelle is an important figure in the history of homosexuality in France

Book cover