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History: Susan Armstrong-Reid's New Book is Here!

Lyle Creelman book cover


Adjunct Professor, Dr. Susan Armstrong-Reid has completed new book on the life and work of Canada’s foremost international nurse, Lyle Creelman: The Frontiers of Global Nursing. Creelman parlayed her experience as a community health nurse in British Columbia into significant international appointments, including Chief Nursing Officer of the World Health Organization (WHO). The book is published by University of Toronto Press. Congratulations from all of us!

Susan Armstrong-Reid's New Book is Here!

Lyle Creelman book cover


Adjunct Professor, Dr. Susan Armstrong-Reid has completed new book on the life and work of Canada’s foremost international nurse, Lyle Creelman: The Frontiers of Global Nursing. Creelman parlayed her experience as a community health nurse in British Columbia into significant international appointments, including Chief Nursing Officer of the World Health Organization (WHO). The book is published by University of Toronto Press. Congratulations from all of us!

History: Richard Reid's New Book is Here!

African Canadians book cover


Professor Emeritus, Dr. Richard Reid has completed new book on the African Canadians who volunteered to fight during the American Civil War: African Canadians in Union Blue: Volunteering for the Cause in America's Civil War. The book is published by University of British Columbia Press this May. Congratulations from all of us!



Richard Reid's New Book is Here!

African Canadians book cover


Professor Emeritus, Dr. Richard Reid has completed new book on the African Canadians who volunteered to fight during the American Civil War: African Canadians in Union Blue: Volunteering for the Cause in America's Civil War. The book is published by University of British Columbia Press this May. Congratulations from all of us!



History: Food Historian Ian Mosby Featured on the Famous "Caker Cooking" Blog

Lime Cheese Salad on a plate


Our own Dr. Ian Mosby tells us he has officially achieved the dubious distinction of having one of his family recipes featured on the well-known Caker Cooking Blog. The dish in question: the "glistening, jiggling and milky-green caker classic,” Lime Cheese Salad (see photo!). The blog celebrates Canadian cuisine constructed of convenience foods and homey ingredients. Bon Appétit!


Food Historian Ian Mosby Featured on the Famous "Caker Cooking" Blog

Lime Cheese Salad on a plate


Our own Dr. Ian Mosby tells us he has officially achieved the dubious distinction of having one of his family recipes featured on the well-known Caker Cooking Blog. The dish in question: the "glistening, jiggling and milky-green caker classic,” Lime Cheese Salad (see photo!). The blog celebrates Canadian cuisine constructed of convenience foods and homey ingredients. Bon Appétit!