Yet More Publications by History Grad Students: Pandemics, Vaccinations, Social Movements
In league with Dr. Catherine Carstairs, a number of our graduate students have published scholarly work on the histories of pandemics, vaccination campaigns, and social justice movements:
Kathryn Hughes and Curtis Fraser on the history of mandatory vaccination in Ontario schools: "Mandatory COVID-19 vaccination in schools this fall? Ontario’s 1982 legislation spurred organized opposition," August 5, 2021 at The Conversation.
Curtis Fraser on the vaccination campaign for polio and H1N1: "Will COVID-19 vaccination enthusiasm last? Lessons from polio and H1N1," June 30, 2021 at The Conversation.
Ravnit Dhinsa on Brampton, racism and COVID-19: "Warehouse Work: The Making of a Health Crisis in Peel Region," June 24, 2021 at Active History.
Jeremy Istead and Kathryn Hughes published a peer-reviewed article on sexual harassment activism at Ontario universities: "Before #MeToo: The Fight against Sexual Harassment at Ontario Universities, 1979-1994," Historical Studies in Education (Spring 2021).