Philosophy: Jean Harvey | College of Arts

Philosophy: Jean Harvey

Posted on Tuesday, April 22nd, 2014

We are sorry to announce that Jean Harvey, Professor of Philosophy, died April 20, 2014 after an illness that was unexpectedly detected late last October. She was 67 years old and is survived by her beloved companion animals and her brother, who lives in England. She passed away with little pain.

Jean was respected as a philosopher and cherished as a colleague. Much of her philosophical work was on the nature of oppression, particularly as it shows up in informal and unofficial ways. For a substantial memoir of her work, see this entry on the Feminist Philosophers blog.

We are all saddened by this news and by Jean's life and work being cut short in such a way. She, and her work, will be long remembered with respect and fondness. Jean will also be missed and remembered by the members of her karate community, one of whom notes, "She was cremated in her karate gi."

The Canadian Society for Women in Philosophy is organizing a session on Professor Harvey’s work at their meeting this August in Waterloo, Ontario. See below for the prospectus.