History: Catherine Carstairs' New Collection on Feminist History | College of Arts

History: Catherine Carstairs' New Collection on Feminist History

Posted on Friday, December 6th, 2013

Our own Dr. Catherine Carstairs, Associate Professor and new Department Chair (since July) has just published a new collection of essays with co-editor Nancy Janovicek of the University of Calgary:
Feminist History in Canada: New Essays on Women, Gender, Work, and Nation

From the dust jacket: This exciting new volume of original essays opens with a discussion of the debates, themes, and methodological approaches that have preoccupied women's and gender historians across Canada over the past twenty years. The chapters that follow showcase the work of new and established scholars who draw on the insights of critical race theory, postcolonial theory, and transnational history to re-examine familiar topics such as biography and oral history, paid and unpaid work, marriage and family, and women's political action.

The volume is published by UBC Press. Congratulations from all of us!