Our New Hire! Dr. Brittany Luby
The Department is very delighted to announce that, beginning in January 2017, Brittany Luby will be joining our faculty. Professor Luby comes to us from Laurentian University.
Professor Luby is author of "Drowned: Anishinabek Economies and Activism during the Post-War Hydroelectric Boom, 1950 - 1975," a dissertation funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, which she completed at York University. This dissertation was placed into the category for awards. Professor Luby's critical and creative work can be found in periodicals such as the Canadian Bulletin of Medical History, Ontario History, Canadian Journal of Native Studies, Native Studies Review, Feathertale Review, Native Literatures: Generations, and Red Ink Magazine. Professor Luby's poetry has also appeared in Walk Myself Home.
Welcome aboard Brittany!