Performance, Making & Design
Students in this area of emphasis learn to integrate their knowledge from core CTS classes into a variety of methods of making, creating, and performance.

Using digital technologies, students explore everything from printmaking to 3D design, from podcasting to the production of digital music. Students in this area develop skills in critique and creation: they learn to develop digital projects in a range of contexts while also developing a critical vocabulary by which to articulate the goals and achievements of the things they make.
This optional area of emphasis requires the completion of 2.50 credits including:
Required: CTS*3010 Experiential Learning: Digital Arts and Critical Making
2.00 credits from:
CTS*4030 Independent Project
HIST*2020 Film as History
HIST*3260 Cinema and the Moving Image
MUSC*2100 Creating Music on the Computer
MUSC*2150 Music and Popular Culture
MUSC*2220 Electronica: Music in the Digital Age
MUSC*3860 Topics in Digital Music
SART*2460 Printmaking I
SART*2610 Photography I
SART*3470 Printmaking and Photo/Digital Technologies
SART*3750 Photography II
THST*1040 Introduction to Performance
THST*1200 The Languages of Media
THST*2650 History of Communication
THST*2450 Approaches to Media Studies
Note: Some courses may also have prerequisites which are identified in course descriptions in the academic calendar.