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Current Student Information

Beginning in the Fall Semester 2006, the School of English and Theatre Studies offers a revised Theatre Studies curriculum with new requirements for graduation.  Faculty, staff and students were involved in the process of curricular review and we believe our revitalized curriculum is well positioned to meet the challenges of studying theatre in the twenty-first century.

Future Student Information

Program Summary

The Theatre Studies program at the University of Guelph cultivates critical thinkers, theatre artists, and creative performance makers engaged with our media saturated world.

Scholarships and Funding

The School of English and Theatre Studies guarantees funding to all entering students in its MA programs. Funding guarantees are made on the basis of the School’s financial resources and the applicant’s academic merit, but typically, funding would comprise of teaching assistantships (two [Fall, Winter] for Major Reseach Stream students and three [Fall, Winter, Summer] for Thesis stream students). The current rate per appointment is $6,262. In addition, the School has a limited number of scholarships which are awarded on a competitive basis to students who qualify.


We are now accepting Fall 2025 applications. Please read through the instructions below and apply by January 15.

Admission Requirements

Program Overview

English MA Areas of Research / Graduate Courses

English MA

We are now accepting Fall 2025 applications. Please read through the instructions below and apply by January 15.

The MA in English at Guelph is designed to provide students with an intensive introduction to graduate-level work in English studies within a flexible program.

Changes to the Grad Requirements - F'09


Starting in Fall 09 we have brought in some changes to the English specialist requirements. If you started your major, minor, or area of concentration before Fall 09, you won’t be required to comply with the new requirements, but you should take a look at them and see if they better suit your needs. If you begin Fall 09 or later, you will automatically be required to fulfill the new requirements. Check below for answers to the following questions:

·         What are the changes in major requirements?

Prospective Students Information

 English at Guelph is one of the most dynamic programs in the College of Arts...


Current Student Information

All English majors and minors in the Honours program and general degree students who are looking to complete an area of concentration need to complete courses that fit the requirements of their program. In addition to enrolling in specific literature courses, they will also have the opportunity to take courses within the broader field of literary studies that speak to their own personal or research interests. Whatever pathway a current student takes, we do all that we can to help them pursue course options that fulfil their degree requirements and peak their intellectual curiosity. 

English BA

Undergraduate Studies in English

Our Honours and BA programs are specifically designed so students can explore English literature in greater depth and detail as they progress throughout the course of their degree. As a department we have diverse strengths in the following areas: