Faculty and Staff | Page 14 | College of Arts

Faculty and Staff

Our People

Professor, Studio Art

School of Fine Art and Music

Phone: 519-824-4120 x53191

Email: jkissick@uoguelph.ca

Office: Zavitz Hall

Sessional Instructor, Guelph-Humber campus


Phone: (416) 798-1331 ex. 6087

Email: gregory.klages@guelphhumber.ca

Keywords: gregory klages, History, guelph humber

Assistant Professor

School of Fine Art and Music

Phone: 519-824-4120 x 53659

Email: knowlesd@uoguelph.ca

Office: Zavitz 414

University Professor Emeritus

School of Theatre, English, and Creative Writing

Phone: 519-993-2604

Email: rknowles@uoguelph.ca

Keywords: theatre history, cultural theory, materialist theory, dramaturgy, directing



Phone: 519-824-4120 ex. 53212

Email: kolapof@uoguelph.ca

Office: 2019 Mackinnon Extension

Keywords: femi kolapo, History

Associate Professor, Studio Art

School of Fine Art and Music

Phone: 519-824-4120, x56852

Email: krugern@uoguelph.ca

Office: Zavitz Hall

Associate Professor

School of Theatre, English, and Creative Writing

Phone: x 54341

Email: pkuling@uoguelph.ca

Sofie - photo

Dean of Arts, Wilfrid Laurier University


Email: slachapelle@wlu.ca

Keywords: sofie lachapelle, History

Sessional Instructor


Email: alangrid@uoguelph.ca