Faculty and Staff | Page 18 | College of Arts

Faculty and Staff

Our People



Phone: (519) 824 4120 ex. 53165

Email: amcdouga@uoguelph.ca

Office: 1013 Mackinnon Extension

Keywords: alan mcdougall history

Professor, Graduate Coordinator for European Studies (on leave)

School of Languages and Literatures

Phone: (519) 824-4120 ext. 53165

Email: amcdouga@uoguelph.ca

Office: MacKinnon Extension 1013

PhD Graduate

School of Theatre, English, and Creative Writing

Email: lmclea05@uoguelph.ca

Associate Professor

School of Theatre, English, and Creative Writing

Phone: x 52933

Email: kimberley.mcleod@uoguelph.ca

Office: Massey 104C

PhD Candidate

School of Theatre, English, and Creative Writing

Email: cmensah@uoguelph.ca

Academic Program Assistant (Graduate & Undergrad)

School of Fine Art and Music

Phone: 519 824-4120 ext 54671

Email: bmerrill@uoguelph.ca

Office: Zavitz Hall, Rm 201



Phone: 519-824-4120 x53197

Email: jmitsche@uoguelph.ca

Assistant Professor

School of Theatre, English, and Creative Writing