Welcome to the new Activists in Residence, Marsha Hinds Myrie and Nneka MacGregor

We are very excited to welcome Dr. Marsha Hinds Myrie and Nneka MacGregor, who will be with us as AiRs until June, 2024. Nneka and Marsha bring a wealth of knowledge and experience related to confronting gender-based violence across present-day Canada and throughout Barbados and the Commonwealth Caribbean. As Black women leaders, practitioners, scholars and activists, Marsha and Nneka have decades of experience confronting anti-Black racism and oppression, and challenging and changing other and intersecting unjust systems and structures. You can learn more about Marsha and Nneka here: https://www.getlab.ca/activist-in-residence/
The AiR Program is funded by generous contributions from the Dean of the College of Social and Applied Human Sciences, the Community Engaged Scholarship Institute (CESI), the Canada Research Chair program of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), and the College of Arts.