Sexualities, Genders and Social Change Courses | College of Arts

Sexualities, Genders and Social Change Courses




SXGN*1000 Introduction to Sexualities and Genders

This course introduces students to the vocabulary, methods, and theories behind the study of human sexualities and genders. Working with case studies, this course explores how biological, psychological, sociological, cultural, historical, and political determinants as well as experiences connected to race, class, and disability shape understandings of genders and sexualities. Topics covered will include representations of sexualities and genders in the media and popular culture, family and work relationships, histories and philosophies of sexualities and genders, sexualities/genders and the law, political movements, self-expression, and mechanisms for enacting social justice.

SXGN*1010 Sexuality, Gender, Race, and Indigeneity

This course introduces students to the complex intersections between sexuality, gender, race, and indigeneity. Topics covered will include Black feminist theory and intersectionality, Two Spirit Identity, Feminist-Indigenous modalities of leadership, queer of color critique, the queer and trans rights movements of the 70s and 80s, afrofuturism, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, the RiseUp! and the BlackLivesMatter movements, among others. Engaging with both academic and activist domains, the course considers how activists, artists, and theorists interface with and interanimate one another in their visions for racial, gender, and sexual justice.

SXGN*2000 Sexualities and Genders: Research Methodologies

This course will introduce students to foundational research methodologies (quantitative, qualitative, and mixed) applicable to studies in sexualities and genders. Content will be drawn from disciplinary perspectives in the social sciences, humanities, and fine arts, as well as from interdisciplinary perspectives in the fields of feminist, queer, critical race, disability, and (post) colonial studies. Students will draw on research methods to tackle real-life issues of social, cultural, and political inequity.

SXGN*2010 Theorising Sexualities and Genders

This course will provide students with foundational knowledge in contemporary theories relating to sexualities and genders. Content covered will include theories drawn from such areas as queer, queer-of-colour, trans, feminist Marxist/socialist, postmodern and poststructural, critical disability studies & crip theory, feminist standpoint theories, post-feminism, feminist affect theory. Students will explore these topics as they relate to contemporary issues in both local and global contexts.

SXGN*3000 Sexuality and Gender: Acts of Resistance

Activism has been the main driver of social justice movements, which are collective forms of political action that often work outside of established, institutional structures. This course looks at historical and contemporary acts of resistance and the political organizing behind them, with a focus on activist strategies, social justice initiatives, and their underlying theoretical frameworks. Using sexuality and gender as our point of departure, we will investigate the difference between grassroots and mainstream activism, the role of allyship, and the importance of representation and participation in social justice movements.

SXGN*3010: Experiential Learning in Sexualities and Genders: Transforming Community

In this course, students will pursue independent projects related to voluntary or paid placements with community partners. Working with an approved supervisor, students will work with either on- or off-campus partners, participating in social justice and community-outreach efforts in keeping with their independent research interests. Students wishing to take this course must have their project approved by the SXGN Experiential Learning coordinator prior to the end of the previous semester’s course selection period.

SXGN*4000: Honours Capstone Project in Community Engagement and Advocacy

This course employs the theories and methodologies learned throughout the degree in SXGN while engaging students in practical outreach and advocacy activities that will prepare them for work with stakeholders in multiple settings (community, non-profit, NGOs). Students will work throughout the semester with a campus, community advocacy, or not for profit group to design and execute a major community outreach project with the goal of staging a public event at the end of the semester (such as a fundraiser or symposium). The final week of class will be reserved for reflection on lessons learned, what worked, and opportunities for growth.