March 23 2023 - Undergraduate Awards Night

Posted on Friday, April 7th, 2023

Written by Abigail MacMillan

Professor Peter Tremaine presents the Canadian Society for Chemistry Silver Medal to Jeffrey Versluis
Professor Peter Tremaine presents the Canadian Society for Chemistry Silver Medal to Jeffrey Versluis

On Thursday, March 23rd, ninety Award Recipients, Presenters, Donors, and Guests gathered at the University Club for the 40th Annual Chemistry Undergraduate Awards Night, hosted by the Department of Chemistry. Assistant Professors Rui Huang and Derek O’Flaherty were the Masters of Ceremonies and ensured that the proceedings ran smoothly. Forty-five Chemistry students were recipients of University of Guelph Entrance Scholarships. The Canadian Society of Chemistry Silver Medal, one of the highest honors awarded to a graduating Chemistry student, was distributed to Jeffrey Versluis. The Paul Rowntree Memorial Scholarship was presented by Associate Dean Dan Thomas, in memory of our former Department Chair Paul Rowntree. Guests were joined by the Dean of the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences, Richard Zytner, who shared a few motivational words about the importance of chemistry in an increasingly technological world. The Chemistry Department Chair Kathryn Preuss presented a warm welcome message to all our Guests and shared her inspirational vision about the future of the Chemistry Department. We owe our thanks to Donors Professor Mark Lautens, Dr. Martin Bosch of the Guelph Soap Company, Dr. Brock Chittim and Dr. Alex Konstantinov of Wellington Laboratories, Eugene Yuen, the Kapadia Family, and the Rowntree Family for their generous contributions along with CEPS Alumni Advancement Manager, Chandler Gray, for her kind support of our event.

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