Past Events

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Safe Travel Essentials 2

All outgoing study abroad students must attend one of the two Safe Travel Essential sessions.  Sessions: Wednesday, April 1, 2020, from 5:30-7 pm (PCH) Thursday, April 2nd, 2020 from 5:30-7pm (MCKN 117) Register for a session here.

Safe Travel Essentials 1

All outgoing study abroad students must attend one of the two Safe Travel Essential sessions.  Sessions: Wednesday, April 1, 2020, from 5:30-7 pm (PCH) Thursday, April 2nd, 2020 from 5:30-7pm (MCKN 117) Register for a session here.

Traveller's Connection Night

Come for the FREE pizza but stay for the information!  We will bring together past-outgoing exchange, current incoming exchange, and F20 outgoing exchange students to discuss all things study abroad.  Students will be arranged by country so that you can meet people who have studied or who are from the University that you will be going to. Get your questions answered by people who have first-hand experience studying in these countries. Don't forget to register for this event here! 

Exchange Student Farewell Party

What better way to wrap up your exchange than in PCH where it all began!  We will have snacks, photo contest prizes, games, and more!  Come and hang out with your exchange friends! Register for the Farewell Fiesta here.

Acceptance Day

This is the most exciting day of the year in our office!!  Stop by the CIP office to pick up your exchange offer and find out where in the world you will be studying abroad!  Come by to join in the excitement and take some pictures at the photo booth and meet other UofG students who will be studying abroad! If you aren't able to stop by, or just want to share in all of the excitement - follow us on Instagram for updates!

Canadian Culture Night

Welcome to all things Canadian! We will have Canadian snacks, Canadian trivia, a Canadian photo booth and more!!  Come to test your knowledge about Canada and have fun with other incoming exchange friends!  Watch your uoguelph email fo the link to register

Study Abroad Application Deadline

Anyone who is interested in applying for the S20, F20, and W21 study abroad programs must have their online application submitted by Friday, January 24th, 2020.  If you haven't already attended an info session, you must do so in order to get access to the online application. You can sign up for an info session here. Other Important Deadlines:

Study Abroad Deadline Extended!

The deadline to apply for Study Abroad programs for S20, F20 or W21 departure, has been extended to midnight Sunday. If you've completed and info session and started your application, you can still complete it. Go to  and login to finish your application.

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