After your Acceptance


Orientation Sessions

Safe Travel Essentials: this session is MANDATORY. Please join through the link below.

Date Time Link to Join
Monday, March 17 5:30 - 7:00 pm UC 442
Wednesday, March 19 5:30 - 7:00 pm Join the virtual session here

Traveller's Connection Night: this is an optional, virtual event where you have a chance to meet other students who are studying abroad and make some connections with the students who may be going to the same region, country, or school as you. You will all be going through similar situations, and have similar questions, so you can use this night to share in the excitement, compare resources and information, and make connections for while you are abroad. There will also be members of the CIP team available if you have any questions.

Date Time Location
Monday, March 24 6:00-7:00pm UC 442

Exchange Pre-Departure Guide

Travel Health Insurance 

Students participating in any study abroad program are required to purchase Guard Me Travel health insurance, find more details here.

Prepare for your Wellness Abroad

Find a list of suggestions here for what you can do before you leave Canada to feel more prepared upon starting your study abroad.