India Semester


Study and Live in India 

The information provided below is based on the Winter 2016 semester. 

India Semester Abroad participants spend a semester living and studying with a group of up to 26 UG students and a UG professor in India, experiencing the Indian culture, living with a host family and travelling throughout India.

The India Semester provides the opportunity to combine academic work with the exploration of the rich historical and cultural resources of one of the oldest civilizations in the world. It takes place in a wonderfully varied environment that affords the opportunity to study a wide variety of subjects and also developmental issues. Examination of development, environmental and social issues in the local environment allows students to gain maximum insight into Indian society and its development challenges while also earning credit towards their degree at Guelph. On the other hand this is not intended as a program exclusively for students studying international development or environmental sciences. 

The semester is held in two locations. The first is, in residence, at the the Dvanyalokha Institute of Indian Studies in Mysore (Karnataka, South India) and the second is at the University of Rajasthan, in Jaipur, in the North. An integral feature of the Jaipur program is the requirement that you live in an Indian household. The semester involves travel as a group for 3-4 weeks (in total) and with some lectures en route, is an integral and obligatory feature of the program.  There is much to do and see, but the emphasis is on academic studies and seeing India from within: this is not a form of alternative tourism.

India Semester Coordinator 

The Semester Abroad Coordinator, a University of Guelph faculty member, supervises all academic activities, teaches two courses, organizes group activities and field trips and provides information and support to students prior to departure and during their time in India.


Mandatory Fall Course

A Fall semester course is required for all students who are accepted to participate in the India Semester. This course is taught by the India Semester Coordinator and  offers an interdisciplinary perspective on India and prepares students for the India Semester. 

Courses offered

The following is a list of courses that have been offered on previous India Semesters: 

ISS 3270 India Studies in the Social Sciences: An integrated course of studies in the social sciences as they relate to India. This course looks at selected aspects of one or more areas in the social, geographic, economic and political aspects of Indian society. For India Semester students only.

HUMN 3240 India Studies in the Humanities: An integrated course of studies in the humanities as they relate to India. This course looks at selected aspects of one or more areas in the humanities, including Indian religions, philosophy, literature (in English), history, language (Hindi), art and music. For India Semester students only.

POLS 3890 Government and Politics of India: The course is designed to provide a survey of the history, society, culture, politics, government, bureaucracy and foreign relations of India.  

WMST 3510 Directed Readings in Women's Studies: This course is an opportunity for advanced Women's Studies undergraduates to pursue an independent course of readings and assignments in Women's Studies. The student will design a course of readings and assignments with the instructor and submit the proposal to the Coordinator of Women's Studies for approval and signatures by the last day of the ‘Add Period' of that semester.  

IDEV 3200 Independent Study Option: Individual Work/Study in International Development This course is intended for international development students who seek to combine work and study in development with their academic course work. It may be used in connection with internships or work at international development agencies or other appropriate businesses and organizations (in Canada and abroad), for research and/or experience in a developing country, or for other programs. Any faculty member at the University of Guelph with appropriate expertise may supervise the work/study project. In each case, the student and faculty member will agree on an outline of the work/study project and evaluation criteria. In all cases the project will involve a writing component. This course may be used also as a reading or special-topics course. Final report or research paper, proposal, report from other supervisor (responsible for work, internship, volunteer work), journal, formal journal or logbook of work/research with references to readings, work experience itself.

ECON 2650 Introductory Development Economics: This course introduces students to the economic experience of developing countries, the ways in which economists try to understand it, and the implications for policy. The basic tools of economic analysis as taught in the introductory courses are used to analyze topics that may include theories of growth, trade, education, foreign investment, exchange rates, labor markets, the role of government, environmental sustainability and strategies related to agriculture, population, industry and investment. 

IDEV 4200 Advanced Work/Study in International Development: Individual work/study option at an advanced level.

Accommodations on the India Semester

Accommodations on the India Semester vary according to location. While in Mysore in South India, students live in shared residence accommodations. In Jaipur in the North, students are billeted in pairs with host families. Various hotel accommodations are secured while the group is travelling.

India Semester Costs

The India Semester Abroad fee includes the cost of accommodations in India, group travel  and student events within India,  and some food.

The Semester Abroad Fee for the Winter 2016 India Semester was $4500 Although this is subject to change based on increased costs and the exchange rate, the amount should be similar. 

Many students who travel on the India Semester find that their cost of living is much lower in India than in Guelph and that their costs are on par, or lower, than a semester at Guelph.

India Semester Student Blogs

A great way to learn more about the India Semester is to read blogs from students on the India Semester. 

Check out the following blogs from students who participated in the Winter 2012 India Semester:





Disclaimer: The views expressed in these blogs are not endorsed by or affiliated with the Centre for International Programs or the University of Guelph. CIP does not screen or monitor student blogs.