Venice Field School Info Session

Date and Time


Alexander Hall, room 280


April 30 - May 23, 2018 (3 weeks)

Faculty Coordinator:  Dr. Sally Hickson, Director, School of Fine Art & Music

"Architecture in Venice: The City and the Sea":This 3000-level, 1.0 U of G credit course will examine the multi-cultural history of Venice, between east and west; the materials and methods of construction used in public, domestic and religious buildings; the clash of past and present in contemporary architectural development; and the structural relationship between the city and the sea in terms of its urban fabric and built identity.  This is a course that asks you to think about the past, present and future built environment in the context of a highly unique multi-cultural history and urban ecology.  The group will visit various monuments and museums in the city, while doing research on an assigned building in the city. 

For more information, visit our website or contact Dr. Hickson

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