Show Us Your World Photo Contest Deadline

Date and Time


Be sure to submit your photos ti the Show Us Your World 2019 photo contest before Friday, November 15th at 11:59pm.

Follow this link to the online submission form.

2019 Contest Categories 

1. Global Gryphon: We want to see how you represented the University of Guelph while you were on exchange. 

2. Living Local: How did you immerse yourself in your host countries culture? How did you make yourself feel at home while studying abroad? Show us!

3. Amigos Abroad: Show us how you and your friends (new or old) made the most of your time abroad! What picture (or two) best represents you and your study abroad amigos?

4. Sightseeing Students: It's in the name... Study Abroad! Where was the coolest place you studied, or your favourite place to hit the books, or how did you take your learning outside of the classroom? 

Contest Prizes: 

Fan Favourite: $50 University of Guelph Hospitality gift card 

The winning photograph in each photo contest category will be decided by popular vote on Facebook. The photo with the most “Likes” in each category will win the $50 gift certificate. 

The same entrant can win the Fan Favourite in only one category. 

Grand PrizeA framed copy of the winning photo and a $250 Amazon Gift Card 

An expert panel of judges appointed by the Centre for International Programs will decide the Grand Prize winner, chosen from all of the photos entered in the contest.


Find full details on our website, here.

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