FAQ- Incoming Exchange
If you would like to come to the University of Guelph but your home university does not have an exchange agreement with us, you can apply to study on our campus as a visiting student through what we call a Letter of Permission (LOP). A Letter of Permission gives a student permission from their home university to take credits at the University of Guelph and transfer these credits toward their degree program.
For more information on an LOP as an Undergraduate or Graduate Student to Guelph, see our Undergraduate Admissions and the Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies LOP website.
Student Accessibility Services facilitates a variety of programs and services to assist students with both temporary and permanent disabilities to participate fully in university life and maximize campus accessibility. Any exchange students who may require special services should register with the Accessibility Services (preferably before arriving at the University of Guelph).
To apply to Guelph for exchange, you must first be nominated by your home university. Please visit the International/Exchange Office of your home university to find out more information about their exchange application procedures.
If you are chosen by your home university to come on exchange to the University of Guelph, they will then let you know how to access our incoming exchange student application.
Exchange acceptance letters will be mailed to your home university in mid-May for students who have applied for a fall semester or full-year exchange, and in mid-November for students who have applied for a winter semester exchange. At this time, you will also receive an acceptance e-mail with a scanned copy of your acceptance letter and other important information such as how to apply for residence, the orientation program and fees.
The major fees you pay to the University of Guelph for your exchange are fees for your residence, meal plans and student fees (that is, your health insurance and bus pass).
The University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP) and the Student Health Plan are mandatory for exchange students at the University of Guelph. Find out more information about health insurance here.
Find out about our programs and courses in the Undergraduate Calendar or Graduate Calendar.
The Centre for International Programs provides official grade reports for all students attending Guelph on exchange. Official grade reports will be sent directly to the exchange office at the students home institution following the completion of their final semester at Guelph. Grade Reports for students who attended Guelph for the Fall semester will be sent in January. For the Winter semester, transcripts will be sent in May.
If you need your own copy of your official transcript or need it to be sent to another university for a graduate school application, you must order the transcript directly from Enrolment Services.
At UofG
If you have chosen to live off-campus, it is suggested that you begin searching for housing well in advance before arriving in Canada and arrive at least two weeks before the beginning of classes or more, so that you have enough time to search and secure a place to live before classes start.
Most off-campus housing in Guelph is rented on 8- or 12-month lease contracts that start either May 1st or September 1st. The lease is an agreement between the tenant and landlord outlining the rights and responsibilities of each party for the term of the lease.
You can view listings in Guelph at Places4students.com. For more resources and questions concerning living off-campus and landlord-tenant issues visit the Off-Campus Living website.
START International, the orientation program for new international and exchange students, is held in late August (the week before classes begin) for the Fall semester, and on the day before classes begin in January for the Winter semester. (You will be informed of the exact dates in your acceptance e-mail.) We highly recommend that you attend the orientation as the sessions will cover useful topics such as cultural adjustment, the Canadian university academic system, dressing for the cold weather, health insurance and the various support services that are available to help students make a successful transition. It is also a good opportunity to meet the other exchange and international students through some fun social activities we have organized.
There are a variety of clubs and activities specifically for exchange and international students, along with many clubs and sports catering to a wide range of interests. Find out more about all the ways to meet people and get involved here.
Students can see a doctor, personal counsellor and other health professionals on-campus. Find out how to access these medical services here.