Makenna M. Field School Ambassador

What is one word to describe your study abroad experience:

Greece Field School - Amazing

"I learned so much about Greek culture and fell in love with Athens. Making new friends and doing something new with them everyday was an amazing experience that everyone needs to have."

Makenna M. on a field school in Greece



Greece Field School participant
Duration of Field School: 2 weeks
Summer semester
Studying Marketing Management 

  1. What did a typical day in this Field School look like?

Everyday was different! Some days we had day trips where we would wake up early and meet at a certain location to get on a coach bus. We would spend usually 4 hours at each destination. Other days we would go to museums and landmarks where we would discuss how it relates back to our field of study. We also had time to explore these destinations on our own. Each day we would only have one activity, so we would have free time for the rest of the day. In this time we would work on our homework and explore. We usually had a discussion post to complete after each day trip, as well as a reading every night. During the two weeks, we had about 5 free days. My classmates and I would go to the beach, try new foods, shop, and explore Athens.

  1. What did you have to do for the course component of this Field School? How did it impact your degree?

For the course component of this field school we were graded based on participation, a few discussion posts, daily readings, and two final assignments. The assignments were based on ancient greek mythology and philosophy. Although the topics of study did not directly impact my degree, the experience itself has left a positive impact. One day, I would like to work internationally or work with international companies. Having the opportunity to learn about different cultures broadens my understanding of the world around us and can help me be successful when working internationally.

  1. What did you think of your Field School coordinator?

The coordinator of our Field School was the best! He is very passionate about all of the topics we were leaning which made the lessons more engaging. All aspects of the experience were well organized for the students.

  1. How many other U of G students did you travel with? And what did you think of travelling with other students?

I traveled with 11 other students. All of the students were friendly with one another and we often went for group dinners. I even traveled for two more weeks with four other girls from the field school. Although I made amazing friends from this trip that I still hangout with, there were some challenges. During the field school, you will be spending two weeks in a hostel room with a mix of different personalities that may not always connect. Traveling can also cause a lot of stress and exhaustion, which sometimes can cause tension. It is important to stay positive and remember that you are in an amazing place! It is also important to not take things personally after a long day of travel, lol!

  1. How did you interact with the local community during your Field School?

Our field school activities did not directly interact with the local community as our studies were based on ancient greek philosophy. However, in my free time I enjoyed supporting small businesses/markets and interacting with locals in the community. My favourite local experience was when my friends and I met a woman selling jewelry outside of her home. We visited her multiple times throughout the trip to purchases jewelry. She did not speak much English but we were still able to connect with her. She taught us some Greek phrases and gave us gifts to remember her by on our last day in Athens.

  1. What influenced your decision to participate in a Field School opportunity?

I have always loved to travel and chose the University of Guelph because of the study abroad opportunities. I originally wanted to complete a semester abroad but my plans were delayed by the pandemic. By the time study abroad's were able to take place again, I was in my last year of university. Since the pandemic had caused me to spend so much time away from Guelph and my friends, I did not want to leave for an entire semester. I discovered the Field Schools and thought it would be the perfect opportunity to study abroad in a shorter amount of time.

  1. What was the best thing that happened during your Field School? Explain. 

The best thing that happened during the Field School was the friends that I made. It truly made the trip SO much more fun to experience everything with new friends. I also loved that on the last night in Athens our professor organized a group dinner at a local restaurant. The restaurant only had three tables and was in a families backyard. They took us into the kitchen and showed us over 10 dishes that we could choose from. The food was amazing, the hosts were so kind, we all ended up dancing together and it was the perfect way to say goodbye to everyone.

  1. Where was the coolest place you traveled to during your study abroad experience?  

The coolest places that we visited on our study abroad was the Acropolis and the island Aegina. Going to the Acropolis in Greece was amazing! The ancient buildings, especially the Parthenon, were fascinating, and it felt like stepping into history. The views of Aegina island were stunning. We were able to hike to a beautiful view point and spend time at the beach.

  1. What was the biggest cultural adaptation you had to make? 

Having traveled extensively around Europe, I expected similar cultural adaptations during my time in Greece. One of the most impactful cultural adaptations during my time in Greece was getting accustomed to the local etiquette, particularly in public spaces like the metro. Learning to stand on the right side of the escalator to allow others to pass became a daily practice. Navigating the metro system efficiently not only eased my daily commute but also highlighted the importance of respecting shared spaces and adhering to local customs.

  1. What was your best learning moment?

One of the highlights of my time in Athens was getting to learn about ancient Greek mythology. Walking around the Acropolis and other historic sites, it felt like stepping into the very stories we had read about prior to the trip. Understanding the cultural roots through these myths added a whole new layer of appreciation to the Field School, making it a standout learning experience.

  1. If you were to recommend this field school to your best friend, what would you say?

I have already told all of my friends at the University of Guelph to look into a Field School. It is the best way to travel and you also receive credits in a short amount of time. I learned so much about Greek culture and fell in love with Athens. Making new friends and doing something new with them everyday was an amazing experience that everyone needs to have.

  1. Would it be helpful to learn another language for this Field School? 

Not really! Mostly everyone that we came across spoke or understood English. Learning basic phrases will help to show kindness and appreciation.

  1. How did you finance your study abroad experience?

I have an RESP fund that covered the tuition costs for the field school. To finance the flight, field school fee and spending money while abroad I worked a part-time job throughout the school year to save money. It is best to budget for at least 100 euros per day.

  1. What are your packing recommendations?

Do - Pack layers! I thought it was going to be so warm the entire time. I was wrong! In early May the weather in Greece is unreliable, so make sure to bring a jacket, a few long sleeve, and pants. Do- Pack comfortable running shoes. We went on hikes and did a lot of walking, so you will want to bring comfortable sneakers. Do- Pack a towel. The hostel we stayed at did not provide us with towels. I only had a microfibre beach towel which does not actually dry you off. Don’t - Overpack. Especially if you are planning on traveling afterwards, it will be so frustrating to carry around heavy suitcases and multiple bags. Bring outfits that you can layer and mix and match with. You don’t need 5 pairs of shorts, bring two max that you can match with different things. Don’t- High heels. The streets are cobblestone so it is very difficult to walk in heels.

  1. Is there any other helpful information you would like to share with future study abroad participants?  

If you are interested in traveling more after the Field School, don’t be afraid to reach out to your classmates!! Once our professor emailed us the class list, I contacted everyone to organize a groupchat. From there, to find travel companions, I began personally reaching out to others who expressed wanting to travel, which made it easy because a lot of them did!

Greece field school pictures

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