OJS Summer Research Program Information Session

Date and Time


hrough the OJS Summer Research Program, Ontario students from any faculty can spend the summer semester undertaking research in their field of study, guided by a faculty member at one of the nine participating Jiangsu universities. Each participant will be awarded a scholarship of $3000 to support student travel and living costs in China.  More information is available on the OJS website.

To apply for the OJS Summer Research Program, students must have a cumulative average of 70%.

Students DO NOT HAVE TO SPEAK MANDARIN for this program - participants will be placed with a host professor who speaks English. Students must be nominated by a University of Guelph professor for this program.  Applicants don't have to find a supervising professor at the participating Jiangsu universities - the Ontario OJS Director will find a supervising professor for you.   However, students are also welcome to research and contact potential supervisors on their own.

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