Past Events

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MSc Seminar: "Linking Historical Censuses to generate Longitudinal data using discrete methods" by Pavneet Kaur

ABSTRACT: In Data Mining, Record Linkage is the process of identifying the same entities in one or more data sources in the absence of unique identifiers. Social Scientists and Historians have employed various linkage techniques to construct the longitudinal data by linking two or more historical censuses. Longitudinal data can provide us with valuable information about characteristics of population change over time. However, construction of such longitudinal data is challenged by the unavailability of personal identifiers.

PhD Defence: Jamileh Yousefi - "A Neuro-fuzzy Classifier for Datasets with Skewed Feature Values"

ABSTRACT: Most machine learning algorithms perform poorly on skewed datasets. Data distributions in machine learning, when they are discussed at all, are generally expected to have a symmetric distribution, if not actually be normally distributed. The impact of skewed data distribution on the performance of machine learning algorithms has not been given much attention.

Campus Day For Prospective Students

This full day open house is open to you and your family. You are invited to go on a campus tour, check out our residences, attend academic information sessions and chat one on one with current students, staff and faculty who are in the programs to which you've applied.

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