
School of Computer Science Building Renovation Update

The University of Guelph is creating a new home for the School of Computer Science as large-scale renovations to the Reynolds building are almost halfway complete. The School of Computer Science is undergoing extensive renovations to create new research and collaborative spaces for our students and to transform the building into an exciting hub for collaboration, instruction and research.

Computer Science Students at Hack the North

Student Success at Hack the North

Over the weekend of September 15-17th 2017, students from the School of Computer Science attended Hack the North, Canada's largest hackathon. The event brought over 1000 emerging developers and designers and over 300 mentors to the University of Waterloo for the 36-hour competition. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was in attendance to open the event on Friday evening.

2017 Ontario Universities' Fair

Over the weekend of September 22nd, 23rd and 24th 2017, The School of Computer Science attended the Ontario Universities' Fair, the largest educational fair in Canada.

Codemaker's Camp 2017

Over the week of July 24-28th, twenty children ranging from Grade 4-6 attended the Codemaker’s Camp at the University of Guelph. In collaboration with the School of Computer Science and Creative Encounters with Science, we put on a week long week long, activity oriented coding and construction camp. Children learned to create, interact and discover the world of computing through puzzles, games and programs. This camp introduced children to using computers as a creative canvas and was designed for any child interested in creative play.

Conference Recipients

Student Success At The Ontario Combinatorics Workshop

Over the weekend of June 10 and 11th 2017, the University of Guelph hosted the 24th annual Ontario Combinatorics Workshop (OCW). The OCW is an annual meeting for researchers working in combinatorics from Ontario and surrounding areas to gather and share their latest research developments. The two-day event consisting of three invited talks and several sessions of contributed talks, primarily by graduate students and postdoctoral researchers.

U of G Names New Dean of Engineering and Physical Sciences

An award-winning engineer, professor and administrator who has spent more than 20 years in academia will become the next dean of the University of Guelph’s newly renamed College of Engineering and Physical Sciences.

CS Professor Working to Improve Life in the Circumpolar North

Dr. Dan Gillis and his team of undergraduate and graduate students are currently working with the community of Rigolet, Nunatsiavut, Labrador to develop a community-led health and environment monitoring program called eNuk.