
Roboticon 2017 Winners

Over the weekend of March 18th and 19th, Roboticon, our robot-building and programming challenge, entered its 16th year at the University of Guelph.


This week School of Computer Science Assistant Professor Dan Gillis is curating the @RealScientists Twitter account. 

RealScientists was established in February of 2013 as a way for scientists, academics, and researchers to communicate directly with the public through social media. Every week a new scientist is selected to curate the account. At the time of writing this post, @RealScientists had over 40,000 followers.

Dr. Gillis is curating from the week of Sunday, January 15th to Saturday, January 21st. 

Computer Science Student Joins Roundtable Discussion With Lieutenant-Governor

School of Computer Science student Christopher Katsaras joined University of Guelph President Vaccarino, Evan Fraser. Director of the Food Institute, Shoshanah Jacobs and other students from the Idea Congress and Feeding9Billion Classroom in a roundtable discussion on student efforts to reduce food waste with Ontario's Lieutenant-Governor Elizabeth Dowdeswell.

Read more here: Lieutenant-Governor Tours U of G, Gives Environmental Politics Lecture.

Professor Awarded $120,000 in NSERC Funding

The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) announced the 2017 competition results for the Discovery Accelerator Supplements Program (DAS). Dr. Stacey Scott from the University of Guelph was awarded this prestigious grant and will lead a project on "Improving the Effectiveness of Co-lated Colloboration Technologies."