
Guelph Tech and Design Showcase 4.0

The fourth annual Guelph Technology Showcase will be taking place on Wednesday, March 11th, 2015 at the University of Guelph Science Complex Atrium. The Guelph Technology Showcase is organized by the Guelph Technology and Design Cluster Co-operative in partnership with the University Of Guelph's School Of Computer Science.

MSc Thesis Defence: Owen Fairholm

The School of Computer Science is pleased to announce the MSc Defence of Owen Fairholm, to be presented on December 18, 2014, at 9:30 in Reynolds 219. The presentation is titled "Annotation of Temporal Relations Using Markov Logic Networks and Temporal Centering".


Annotation of Temporal Relations Using Markov Logic Networks and Temporal Centering

Entrepreneurship 101: Weekly Webcasts

Interested in learning more about entrepreneurship? Looking to start a new venture? Look no further! MaRS offers a weekly educational series to help you build your technology or social purpose business.

Entrepreneurship 101 is Canada’s largest live and online entrepreneurship course. Aimed at technology entrepreneurs and social innovators, but applicable to all entrepreneurs, the course covers the fundamentals of starting and building a new venture. Entrepreneurship 101 weekly lectures and live webcasts are on Wednesdays from 6-7pm.

School Visit: Women in Information Technology

On Wednesday, December 10th, Computer Science Professor and Assistant Dean of Research and Graduate Studies, Deb Stacey and Recruitment Officer, Lauren Zweep attended a Women in Information Technology event at Northview Heights Secondary School.

Jason Ernst and Tom Hummel

Introducing Hydra

PhD Candidates Jason Ernst (School of Computer Science) and Tom Hummel (School of Engineering) have spent the last several months working in Montreal as part of FounderFuel's accelerator fall 2014 class.

Help Support Roboticon And Farm To Fork

On Tuesday December 2nd, the School of Computer Science launched two crowd funding projects as part of Giving Tuesday. The goal - raise $5000 for each project by the end of the semester. The two crowd funding projects are:

PhD Seminar – Christian Fobel

The School of Computer Science is pleased to present "Massively Parallel Placement" by PhD student Christian Fobel. The talk will be held on December 4, 2014, at 10:30am in Reynolds 219.


Massively Parallel Placement

PhD Qualifying Exam – Tarfa Hamed

The School of Computer Science is pleased to announce that Tarfa Hamed will be presenting the PhD Qualifying Examination Research Proposal "Recursive Feature Addition is a Superior Feature Selection Technique for NIDS" on December 9, 2014, at 10:00 in Reynolds 219.


Recursive Feature Addition is a Superior Feature Selection Technique for NIDS

Food Waste Hackathon winners


This weekend teams of students from across campus came together to take on the challenge of student food waste as part of Feeding Nine Billion's first ever Food Waste Hackathon.

CPES Leadership Speaker Series

The College of Physical and Engineering Science's Leadership Speaker series proudly presents 'Getting in the Game' with Devin Gauthier, Co-Founder Sandbox Software Solutions. Find out how new companies are started, how to utilize and expand your network and what it takes to be relevant in today's market.

Date: Wednesday October 29, 2014
Place: Engineering Atrium, University of Guelph
Time: 5:30-7:00 pm Talk, 7:00-7:30 pm Refreshments and Networking