
Roboticon 2015 – Registration Now Open!

Roboticon is back for the 14th year at College Royal at the University of Guelph! The School of Computer Science would like to invite you to Roboticon 2015. This year's robot-building and programming challenge will be occurring on Saturday, March 21st & Sunday, March 22nd, 2015 at the University of Guelph.

SoCS Prof Making Headlines

Assistant Professor Rozita Dara was interviewed on January 31 by CBC News as part of a story on Bill C-51.

Rozita, a former employee of the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario, studies Transparency Enhancing Technology and bridging the gap between policy and technology.

The CBC News article can be found here.

MSc Thesis Defence: Song Lin

The School of Computer Science is pleased to announce the MSc Defence of Song Lin, to be presented on February 2, 2015, at 1:00 in Reynolds 219. The presentation is titled "Web Person Name Disambiguation Using Multiple Sources of Information".


Web Person Name Disambiguation Using Multiple Sources of Information

Internet Privacy Issues Highlighted In The Guelph Mercury

Assistant Professor Rozita Dara's research on internet privacy was featured in an article in the January 23rd edition of the Guelph Mercury; a few days in advance of Data Privacy Day. Dr. Dara has been studying various aspects of internet privacy including Transparency Enhancing Technology and bridging the gap between policy and technology since 2010. To celebrate Data Privacy Day, Rozita recommends:

Indellient Employer Information Session

The University of Guelph's Co-operative Education and Career Services will be hosting Indellient Employer Information Session on January 29th @5:30PM in the Co-op and Career building. Indellient is currently looking for skilled, passionate software developers and technical data analysts.

URA And USRA Summer Positions Available

The School of Computer Science has several summer undergraduate research assistant positions available. For more information, see the links below.


CS Games 2015

Attention all SoCS Students. SOCIS is recruiting a team of 10 students to send to CS Games from March 13-15th.

The Computer Science Games are a weekend long thrill ride with logic puzzles, difficult algorithms, intense video game competitions, social activities, and of course, programming. Organized by students from a different university every year, the CS Games is open to all undergraduate students.

PhD Defence: Christian Fobel

PhD candidate Christian Fobel will defend his thesis "Deterministic, Weak-scaling Parallelism for Wire-length and Timing-driven FPGA Placement, Suitable for Multi-core and Many-Core Architectures" on January 9, 2015, at 1:30pm in Reynolds 312.


Deterministic, Weak-scaling Parallelism for Wire-length and Timing-driven FPGA Placement, Suitable for Multi-core and Many-Core Architectures

Seminar Series: Kenneth B. Kent

Kenneth B. Kent from the University of New Brunswick will be coming to SoCS on Friday, January 9 at 11:00 AM (REYN 312) to give a seminar about Thread Group Based Garbage Collection in a Java Virtual Machine.

Speaker: Dr. Kenneth B. Kent, Professor & Director, IBM Center for Advanced Studies - Atlantic Faculty of Computer Science, University of New Brunswick