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Qin Xu, PhD student working with Dr. Glenn Fox presented at the OMAFRA Climate Change Research
Knowledge Exchange Day, Highlighting OMAFRA-sponsored climate research on October 19, 2017.

She presented on The Effect of Climate Change on Crop Production in Ontario and The Economic Viability of Irrigation.


On October 25th, 2017, Dr. Brady Deaton did a presentation about Land and Water:  Issues and Approaches in Canada, First Nations, and Abroad -

The Future of Food by Jayson Lusk
Distinguished Professor and Department Head, Department of Agricultural Economics at Purdue University

Presented By:

John M. Slater, BSc, MS, PhD
Former Director of Economics and Statistics
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
United Kingdom


Date and Location:

Thursday, September 21st, 1:00-2:00 pm
Room 107, J.D. MacLachlan Building

Nathaniel Whittingham’s Master of Science Defence will take place on
Wednesday, August 30, 2017, at 1:00 pm, in Room 101, J.D. MacLachlan Building.  

He is presenting his thesis on "Does Personality Trump Values in Explaining Risk Perception?  An Analysis of Tweets about Genetically Modified Organisms”.

Yanan Liu’s  Master of Science Defence will take place on Thursday, August 3  2017, at 10:00 am, in Room 107, J.D. MacLachlan Building.  She is presenting her thesis on "Economic Costs and Environment Tradeoffs: A Meta-Analysis of Abatement Costs of Agricultural Beneficial Management Practices in Mitigating Excess Phosphorus Loss on Farms in Ontario”.

Advisory Committee
Glenn Fox (co-advisor)
Wanhong Yang (co-advisor)
Alfons Weersink (advisory cmt)

The University of Guelph recently established a new program to recognize the on-going contribution and research excellence of faculty who lead their fields.

The Canadian Agricultural Economics Society hosted its awards ceremony at their annual meeting in Montreal, Quebec on June 19. These awards recognize research excellence in agricultural economics and related fields. Three alumni from the FARE graduate program were recognized.

Zhenua Sun’s Master of Science Defence will take place on Monday, June 12th 2017, at 10:00 pm, in Room 101, J.D. MacLachlan Building.  

He is presenting his thesis on "What Drives More in Business Performance?  Differentiating the Effects of Risk-Aversion and Overconfidence Among Agricultural Enterprises”.

Advisory Committee
Jessica (Ying) Cao (advisor)
Alfons Weersink (advisory cmt)
Getu Hailu (advisory cmt)

Alison Grant’s  Master of Science Defence took place on Monday, June 12th  2017, at 1:30 pm, in Room 101, J.D. MacLachlan Building.  

She presented her thesis on "Estimating the Marginal Effect of Pits and Quarries on Rural Residential Property Values in Wellington County, Ontario: A Hedonic Approach”.

Advisory Committee
Brady Deaton (advisor)
Richard Vyn (advisory cmt)
Jessica (Ying) Cao (advisory cmt)