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Jacobus Kerkhoff's Master of Science defence took place on Monday, April 5th, 2010 at 3:00 p.m. in Room 118, MacNaughton Building. The title of his thesis is "The Spatial Market Integration of Fresh Asparagus in Select U.S. and Canadian Terminal Markets".

Glenn Fox, Professor in Dept. of FARE speaks about "Local Food" on the Global National story of the 100-Mile Diet - Part 1 on March 10th, 2010.

Chatura Pulasinghage's Master of Science defence took place on Friday, March 26th, 2010 at 10:00 a.m. in Room 223, MacKinnon Building.   The title of his thesis is "Examining the Relationship Between Government Management of State Land and Efforts to Restore the Ecological Integrity of Coastal Lands in Sri Lanka After the Tsunami 2004: An Anticommons Problem?"

Dr. Abdoul G. Sam, Assistant Professor, Department of AED Economics, Ohio State University, speaks about the"Impact of Pension Privatization on Foreign Direct Investments: An Empirical Study of the Latin American Experiment" on March 11, 2010, 4:00 - 5:30 pm in Room 101, J.D. MacLachlan Building.

On February 17th, 2010, Dairy Farmers of Ontario and the Department of FARE presented a "Dairy Research Communication and Extension Event".

Please click on these links to view the presentations -

Productive Efficiency and Competitiveness of Dairy Farms, Dr. Getu Hailu, Associate Professor

Richard Vyn presented "Comparing Returns for Grain Corn Production under Various Marketing Strategies" at the Southwest Agricultural Conference at Ridgetown on Jan 6-7/10 and at the FarmSmart conference on Jan 23/10.

Prof. Brady Deaton recently was a participant in The 16th Annual Environmental Sciences Symposium hosted by the University of Guelph on January 16, 2010. The title of his presentation was “Economics and Environmental Policy”. For symposium details please visit

Roshen Epaarachchige presented his PhD Thesis Proposal on Wed., Feb. 3rd at 4:15 pm in McLN 319. The title of his presentation is "The Impact of Health, Nutrition and Health Care Product Information on Consumer's Propensity to Adopt Preventative Health Care Behaviors: An Economic Analysis of Demand for Micronutrient-Vitamins.". The Examining Committee: Brady Deaton, Chair and Andreas Boecker, Sven Anders, Getu Hailu and Alfons Weersink.