May 6th, 2020
FARE faculty Alan Ker, OAC Research Chair in Agricultural Risk and Policy, has been invited by the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food to submit a brief on the...
May 5th, 2020
FARE PhD graduate GianCarlo Moschini has been named a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Economics, Iowa State University.
Apr 23rd, 2020
The new issue of FARE Share is out. While our faculty have been working tirelessly to address issues that have arisen in the wake of the COVID crises, we would like to...
Apr 23rd, 2020

In the latest FARE Talk podcast FARE professors Alan Ker and Brady Deaton discuss a special issue of the Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics...
Apr 22nd, 2020

From farm to table, a new year typically presents new opportunities and challenges within the food system. Predicting these changes can allow us to better prepare for what may...
Apr 21st, 2020
CJAE Special Issue on COVID-19 and the Canadian Agriculture and Food Sectors: Thoughts from the Pandemic Onset

A special issue of the Canadian Journal of Agricultural...
Apr 9th, 2020
The food industry seems to be constantly evolving and adapting. This makes predicting future food trends difficult - but not impossible. Jo-Ann McArthur and her team at Nourish...
Apr 8th, 2020
We are experiencing unprecedented disruption to normal life and commerce in order to flatten the pandemic curve due to COVID-19. Farmers, as the foundation of the food supply...
Apr 3rd, 2020
Dairy farmers in Canada are being asked to dump milk as the processors to whom it is assigned cannot use it right now. This is difficult to understand in a time where we are...
Apr 3rd, 2020

In this series of episodes titled Talking to Farmers, our objective is to introduce listeners to farmers and give you insight into their lives and work. In this episode, we sat...