The First Few Weeks

Posted on Monday, September 16th, 2013

Well we have the first couple of weeks under our belt and it is nice to see the campus so alive with people and possibilities. We have been working nights during the month of September, which allows us to work with the RA's, Police, and First Response team in a capacity that is unavailable during our regular day shift.  So far we have had very few fire alarms and none have been caused maliciously.  September is shaping up to be a excellent fire safe month.

Scott and I will be out the next few weeks conductiong our annual fire drills, which is a time for you to get to know your area and determine your exit path. This is a very important part in emergency planning that everyone must do in their own area. You should know where all the safety equipment is in your area, such as fire extinguisher, fire exit, pull station, emergency shower/eye wash and how to get help if needed (ext. 52000). Please take a few minutes to find these items in your area.  When the fire alarm activates please exit as safely as possible, during these drills we wait until everyone is out of the building before resetting the alarm so slower evacuees will hold everyone up. If you are a person with a disability and do not have a personal evacuation plan set up and would like one, please contact the human rights office at As always if you have any fire or life safety concerns please contact Scott or Karen at


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