Event Log

Extinguishers being used as a toy...

Over the weekend we had two incidents in which fire extinguishers were used in a non-emergency manner. One of these expelled extinguishers  caused a fire alarm in East Residence, which required a 4 vehicle emergency response from the city fire department. These incidents are an unnecessary use of emergency personnel. If you have any information regarding the expelled extinguishers in East residence please email request@fire.uoguelph.ca  These false alarms and damaged safety equipment cost everyone.


60 fire wardens trained

Well we have had a busy few weeks! We have trained 60 fire wardens from all across campus in the last couple of weeks are we are very happy to have them on board.  We talk about a variety of fire safety items during this training but the one that seems to resonate with every participant is extension cords! Extension cords are NEVER to be used in place of permanent wiring. We do a demonstration with a thermal imaging camera which drives home the point that they are unsafe to use for an extended period of time.

Fire Wardens are Needed

Fire Wardens are an important part of our community,  they help to keep their area within the University fire safe. This includes keeping an eye out for fire hazards, and ensuring the fire and life safety equipment is available if it is needed.

We are always in need of more wardens, if you are interested in being a warden for your area please email us at request@fire.uoguelph.ca or you can sign up for fire warden training through the EHS website  http://www.uoguelph.ca/ehs/courses/index.cfm  

The First Few Weeks

Well we have the first couple of weeks under our belt and it is nice to see the campus so alive with people and possibilities. We have been working nights during the month of September, which allows us to work with the RA's, Police, and First Response team in a capacity that is unavailable during our regular day shift.  So far we have had very few fire alarms and none have been caused maliciously.  September is shaping up to be a excellent fire safe month.


What a start to the year! We have had a lot going on the past few days and we would like to thank everyone who came out to our annual room burn. The wind played a part in having to stop the burn early this year but the message was still very clear. You need to exit the building as quickly and safely as possible when the alarm goes off, and remember to close doors behind you as you leave. We took video of the fire and will be working on posting it to our you tube page in the near future. If you have any concerns throughout the year please contact us via request@fire.uoguelph.ca.

RLS Resource Fair

Scott and I had a great time at the resource fair meeting with all the RLS.  

We set up our booth with lots of great information and we talked a lot about our up coming room burn (Wed. Sept. 4th at 4pm, Johnston Green)







RLS training

Today we met with most if not all RA's and we tried to get as many through our fire extinguisher training simulator as possible. If you did not get a chance or would like another chance Scott or I can bring the simulator out to your residence and show it off to all of the students. It really is like a big video game, where you can try and better your last time. We can make it a fun evening learning about fire safety. If you would like to set this up you can email us at  request@fire.uoguelph.ca.

August 2013

Well it is that time of year again! RLS are back on campus, and we could not be happier. Scott attended the RLS dinner and had a great time talking to some friends from last year, as well as meeting some new friends. We are hoping to get out and visit more residence's this year with our new fire extinguisher trainer to help spread the work of Fire Safety!

On August 28th we will be in Peter Clark Hall from 11:30-1:00pm for the RLS resource fair, but anyone is free to stop by and say Hi! 

MOVE IN DAY, August 31st. We can't wait to welcome all of our new students

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