Past Events

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Small dish of hops

Beer brewing class - Jan. 28

Special class: Maximizing Hop flavour for Hazy IPAs Join us as we step through how to brew beer on a scale that you can replicate at home. Our beer-making classes provide an opportunity to get familiar with the ingredients and processes needed to make great beer, and they are designed to be hands-on so that you learn while doing. 

Commercial Ice Cream Science and Technology course 12/5-8

This course focuses on the science and technology of ingredient functionality and quality issues of commercial ice cream production, and is intended for mid to large-scale ice cream operations as well as suppliers and regulators wanting to understand ice cream processing at an in-depth level. The course consists of classroom lectures complemented with ice cream evaluation sessions and pilot-plant equipment demonstrations.
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19th annual Guelph Food Safety Seminars (GFSS) Symposium Session 4: How to Stretch your Food Dollar Safely Q&A Session

19th annual Guelph Food Safety Seminars (GFSS) Symposium Session 4: How to Stretch your Food Dollar Safely Q&A Session The GFSS introduced a Q&A session at last year’s Symposium. It was such a success, we decided to have one again! Our panel of experts will be on hand to answer your questions on how to make your food dollar go farther without compromising on food safety.
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19th annual Guelph Food Safety Seminars (GFSS) Symposium Session 2: Waste Not; Want Not: Food Diversion at Its Finest

19th annual Guelph Food Safety Seminars (GFSS) Symposium Session 2: Waste Not; Want Not: Food Diversion at Its Finest Speakers: Rescuing Food to Feed Communities Millions of pounds of good, nutritious food go to landfill every year in Canada, when it could instead be used to feed communities in need. In this session, you will learn to:

Online Ice Cream Technology course 11/7-30

Suitable for both commercial and artisanal ice cream producers, this course covers a complete range of topics, including mix manufacture, ice cream freezing, formulations for dairy and non-dairy products, formulation and overrun calculations, mix ingredients, ice cream flavours, sensory analyses and textural quality, microbiological quality, confection and novelty manufacture, and product development trends.

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