HFTMSA to Host the Hospitality & Tourism Case Competition (HTCC)

This weekend the Hospitality, Food and Tourism Management Student Association (HFTMSA) will host its most anticipated event of the year - the Hospitality & Tourism Case Competition (HTCC). 

A speaker panel titled "Beyond the Beds: The Perspective of Canada's Leading Hotel Investment," features young professionals within the hotel investment industry will kick off the weekend on Friday, March 4th at 5:30 p.m. 

2016 OHI Gold Award Honoree - Professor Bruce McAdams

Congratulations to Professor Bruce McAdams named 2016 Ontario Hostelry Institute (OHI) Gold Award Honoree - Educator of the Year! 

Also congratulations to Will Predhomme, Managing Director, Predhomme Inc. named OHI Fellow of the Institute!  Will teaches the School's Wine & Spirit Education Trust (WSET) Certifications.

Bruce and Will are to be recognized at the 2016 Gold Awards Dinner held on Thursday, April 21st at the Four Seasons Hotel in Toronto.

PCMA Members at 60th Annual Convening Leaders Conference

PCMA Guelph Chapter Group Photo


The PCMA Annual Conference changes locations every year to accommodate to over 4,000 passionate industry leaders. Last January, a handful of PCMA Guelph members attended the PCMA’s Convening Leaders hosted in Chicago, Illinois and were blown away by the experience. Guelph Students craving to gain more knowledge and networking from the industry chose to attend the conference this January hosted in Vancouver. Each student commented on how each year they were able to take more away from the conference and were amazed by how the organizing committee strived to establish a more inspiring conference.

Keynote speakers for this year conference included Arne Sorenson, President and CEO of Marriott International who addressed the merger with Marriott and Starwood, Jonah Berger, author of best-seller, “Contagious: Why things catch on”, and Gretchen Rubin, author of New York Times bestsellers, “The Happiness Project”. During the conference, members had the opportunity to choose among different educational sessions to enhance knowledge within their own interests as well as the opportunity to network with the supportive industry professionals with different backgrounds from around the world.

Christina Tennyson, a 3rd year Tourism Management Student and Vice President of Guelph’s PCMA Chapter, was honored to receive the PCMA Canada East Emerging Leaders Starwood Scholarship recipient for two consecutive years. This scholarship covered travel, registration, and accommodation expenses. While at the conference, PCMA Canada East arranged for mentors to provide advice and introduce to additional members. Christina commented on how this conference allowed her to step outside her comfort zone, network with friendly professionals who are eager to help and hear about accomplishments, and grow as a student. The experience was a truly remarkable experience that will never be forgotten.

Next year, Convening Leaders 2017 will be hosted in Austin, Texas. It is PCMA’s goal to organize another trip and provide more opportunities for students to gain experience in meeting and event management. On campus, PCMA’s Guelph Chapter strives to allow students the opportunity to take part in event organization and planning. This semester PCMA helps with Alumni and Awards night and organizes activities such as speaker panels, visits to event facilities and networking opportunities. For further information and to keep up to date with the PCMA University of Guelph Chapter, please visit our Facebook Page.

CHF Student Award Recipients

CHF Winners

Congratulations to the following students recognized at the Canadian Hospitality Foundation Awards.

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