FEB 1: Master Sommelier to Lecture in HTM Class Monday

Jennifer Huether, the only female Master Sommelier in Canada, and one of only 25 in the world will be arriving on Monday to lecture and hold a tasting in Professor Bruce McAdams’ HTM*4050 wine class.  There are only 3 Master Sommelier’s in all of Canada!  We are very excited for her arrival.

Dolce Article

JAN 25: CARA/HTM Networking Evening

HTM Students: Don't miss the CARA/HTM evening of food, beverage and networking at Milestones on Tues. Jan. 29th at 6:00 p.m.! You must RSVP to Lisa Fodor (lfodor@uoguelph.ca) by the end of the day. Email your name, current year and what you'd like to gain from this event! Spaces are limited and there will be a sign-in sheet and name tag waiting for you.

JAN 24: HTM Job Expo & Alumni Night a Success

If you were not at the HTM Job Expo and Alumni Night on Wednesday, you missed two fantastic events. With 27 hospitality & tourism employers showcasing their companies and recruiting for summer, part and full time positions, there was no possibility of students leaving without an amazing opportunity. During Alumni Night it was great to see familiar faces sharing their incredible successes with our students. 

Job Expo & Alumni Night photos (posted on Facebook)

JAN 18: Is 'Local' Just a Hot Menu Trend?

Professor Iain Murray and Ph.D. student Carrie Herzog have just had their article, "Is 'local' just a hot menu trend?" published in Routledge Studies of Gastronomy, Food and Drink, the book is entitled Sustainable Culinary Systems. Congrats!!

JAN 17: YHS Finalists Announced

This afternoon the YHS finalist presentations took place in Prof. Justin Taillon's HTM*2100 class. The turnout was fantastic and included representatives from Fairmont, Westmont, Starwood, past graduates, and HTMers interested in hotel management.

JAN 16: Professor Iain Murray Retires

HTM held a retirement celebration for Professor Iain Murray yesterday, acknowledging his 27 years of dedicated service to the School. An evening of memories, including speeches and written accolades read. Iain was also granted Associate Professor Emeritus.

From the School of Hospitality & Tourism Management, we congratulate you Iain and wish you the all the best in retirement. You will be missed by all.

JAN 14: HAFA/HTM Alumni Career Night

Students will have the opportunity to meet alumni at the HAFA/HTM Career Night in PJ's at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 23rd. 

Contact Alumni Registration

JAN 14: HTM Job Expo

On Wednesday, January 23rd, from 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. 29 employers will be heading to Peter Clark Hall at the University of Guelph for the 14th Annual Job Expo. 

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