Lang faculty contribute to UofG’s $6 million funding announcement

Seven Lang faculty from a variety of disciplines will receive funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) to kickstart new research projects.
In all, 62 U of G researchers and scholars from across campus will receive funding from both agencies.
The funding is part of more than $635 million announced by Francois-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, to support more than 3,400 projects across Canada through NSERC and more than 1,315 projects through SSHRC.
Congratulations to the below Lang faculty:
- Dr. Towhidul Islam (Department of Marketing and Consumer Studies) – Project title: “Evaluating Volumetric and Time-to-Event Choice Experiments and Their Associated Models by Testing External Validity from Revealed Preference Data.”
- Dr. Sandeep Mishra (Department of Management) – Project title: “Feeling the gap: Causes and consequences of personal relative deprivation” and “Relative deprivation: clarifying the effects of inequality, competition, similarity, and fairness.” (co-applicant)
- Dr. Elizabeth Kurucz (Department of Management) – Project title: “Catalyzing and Managing Sustainability Transitions: Examining and Developing Systemic Intermediaries for Social-Ecological Innovation.” (co-applicant)
- Dr. Ann Pegoraro (School of Hospitality, Food and Tourism Management) – Project title: “Expanding understanding of motherhood and sport in socio-cultural context: A narrative analysis of stories in the digital landscape.” (co-applicant)
- Dr. Davar Rezania and Thomas Sasso (Department of Management) - Project title: "Discourse Analysis of Talent Management in Canadian SMEs."
- Dr. Kimberly Thomas-Francois with Dr. Simon Somogyi (School of Hospitality, Food and Tourism Management) - Project title: "New retail food shopping, impacts on Canadian food retailing and consumers."
- Dr. Thanasis Stengos (Department of Economics and Finance) – Project title: “Multiple Threshold Semiparametric Regression: Theory and Application on the Effect of COVID19 on Economic Activity."