News | Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics


Photo of Lee Piccoli

Lee Piccoli - Building a Foundation for Success

Lee Piccoli couldn’t wait to graduate from U of G and start his own business. While his fellow classmates were applying for jobs, he left a few credits shy of graduation in 1997 to follow his dream. It was a risky decision, but it paid off for Piccoli, who is now the president of Fusion Homes, a house-building company that topped $50 million in sales this year.

Photo of Lena Lam

Lena Lam - Let Your Conscience Guide Your Wallet

What you buy is just as important as how and where it was made, says Lena Lam, one of the co-founders of Ethical Ocean (, an online marketplace that sells more than 4,500 ethical products from food and clothing to cosmetics and electronics. “I think it’s important to know that our purchasing decisions have an effect on society and the planet,” says Lam, B.Comm. ’05 and M.Sc. ’08.

Photo of Trevor and Chris Williams

Bottling Up Success - Trevor and Chris Williams

At first glance, the Bottle Bin looks like any other recycling bin, but it’s not a blue box; it’s a black box designed for collecting empty beer, wine and liquor bottles. Fill it with ice, and it also doubles as a cooler. If you’ve ever struggled with carrying a cardboard box full of empties to the liquor store, only to have the box fall apart in the parking lot, you’re not alone. Trevor Williams, B.Comm. ’09, and his brother, Chris, conducted their “market research” for the Bottle Bin in Beer Store parking lots.

Baby photo by Kristin Hohenadel

Kristin Hohenadel - Taking Baby Steps

When Kristin Hohenadel takes photos of newborn babies, she doesn’t dress them up in costumes or put them in flowerpots, like some photographers do. “I try to dial down the cheesy factor and put a more modern spin on it,” says Hohenadel, a fourth-year psychology student.

Photo of Josh Leyte-Jammu

Josh Leyte-Jammu's Blog Makes Sense of Dollars

Josh Leyte-Jammu is proof that you’re never too old to have a piggy bank. It’s just one of the ways the fourth-year economics and finance student saves money.

“My parents got me a bank account when I was four and they’ve been teaching me everything there is to know about money since,” he says.

Photo of LIVE team

LIVE Team Wins Nicol Entrepreneurial Competition

CME recognizes the value of entrepreneurship, and the Nicol Entrepreneurial Competition is designed to promote and reward the entrepreneurial spirit of students at the University.  Participants are required to develop complete business plans for their innovative products and services.  The 2012 winning team, LIVE, went above and beyond and presented an impressive business plan.  Kent Santin and Benjamin Bond, two recent Marketing Management graduates, have been instrumental in the development of LIVE.

Bruce Sargen's photo

Bruce Sargent Identifies with Farming Roots

CME strives to develop Leaders for a Sustainable World, and Bruce Sargent is one student who epitomizes this vision.  Bruce is a fourth year Marketing Management major and a seventh generation dairy farmer.  Bruce has taken his educational experience far beyond the classroom through co-operative experiences, professional competitions and the formation of his personal business, Farm Boy Productions.  Although he’s only starting his fourth year this fall, Bruce states, “Accepting my offer to study at UofG has been the best decision of my life.  I have est

Photo of Zakira Pirani

Zakiya Pirani Lights Up Possibilities in South America

While many Canadian business schools have begun to appreciate the importance of environmental issues, environmental concerns and issues of sustainability have always been central to the College of Management and Economics.  Students interested in these areas have the opportunity to take courses focused on corporate social responsibility and sustainability.  Zakiya Pirani is a Human Resource Management major who recently completed an Applied Business Project course focused on corporate social responsibility.

Photo of Jian Zhou

Jian Zhou Awarded the William N. Kinnard Young Scholar Award

Jian Zhou was recently awarded the William N. Kinnard Young Scholar Award by  ARES, the American Real Estate Society – a leading real estate research and education organization whose mission is to influence real estate through leadership and decision making.  Jian was nominated by Associate Professor and REH Advisor, Jane Londerville, and received the award in recognition of his high quality research contributions to the real estate discipline achieved in the first ten years of receiving his PhD.  

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