News | Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics


July 4: MCS Professor Chairs International Conference in China

Dr. Lefa Teng, a professor from the Department of Marketing and Consumer studies, Co-Chaired the Globalization and Marketing Strategy International Conference held in Shanghai (China) earlier in June. The Event was hosted by the Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Dr. Michel Laroche, who has an Honorary Degree from the University of Guelph, also Co-Chaired the event. 

Associate Dean Dr. Sylvain Charlebois briefly joined the conference earlier in the week to make opening remarks to a group of about 200 delegates.  

University of Guelph Accounting Goes Co-op

The College of Management and Economics is delighted to announce that students in the Bachelor of Commerce Accounting major will be able to register in a new accounting co-op program starting fall 2013.  In addition, a limited number of current students will be able to commence their first co-op term beginning summer 2013.  Congratulations to Professor Fred Pries and the Department of Business accounting team for their accomplishments.


July 3: CME Associate Dean Comments on the End of Supply Management

Sylvain Charlebois, Associate Dean of The College of Management and Economics, expressed his opinions regarding the end of supply management in his article, “End Supply Management for the Right Reasons,” which recently appeared in the Winnipeg Free Press.  An excerpt from his article is included below.

"Canada's invitation to join the Trans-Pacific Partnership in recent weeks has led to a debate around the future of supply management. Some have suggested that consumers will finally have access to more affordable food products like milk and eggs.

CME Visits South Western University in Chengdu, China

Associate Dean, Dr. Sylvain Charlebois, and Economics Professor, Bram Cadsby, were recently in China to sign exchange program agreements with the South Western University in Chengdu, Sichuan Province. One agreement will support a new graduate program in Financial Economics to be launched next year in Guelph. A second agreement will support the launch of an undergraduate exchange program between the two universities to support CME’s Management in Economics and Finance major.


June 29: Economics Professor Publishes Piece in Wall Street Journal

Thanasis Stengos, an Economics professor within CME, co-authored the article, "The Future of Greece; The economy can recover while inside the euro zone; a return to the drachma would be fiscal suicide.", recently published in the Wall Street Journal.  Stengos is one of five authors who wrote the piece with Nicholas Economides, Yannis Ioannides, Emmanuel Petrakis and Christopher Pissarides.  An excerpt from the article follows:

Rob Henderson's photo

For Mature Student, Rob Henderson, Age is Just a Number

When Rob Henderson decided to go back to school at the age of 35, he knew he was going to be one of the oldest students in his class, but that didn’t stop him from enrolling as a mature student at the University of Guelph. “I’ve always wanted to do that,” says Henderson, who received his B.Comm. at winter convocation 2012. “Growing up, I had to leave school early and go to work, so I’ve always tried to upgrade.”

Photo of Ross McKitrick

Ross McKitrick, Expert in Environmental Policy, Awarded CIGI-INET Grant

The Governing Board of the Institute of New Economic Thinking (INET) together with the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) have jointly awarded Department of Economics Prof. Ross McKitrick a $107,250 grant for his 3-year project “State-Contingent Environmental Policy”.

The CIGI-INET Program on New Economic Theory, Practice and Governance serves to advance research on issues of critical importance to economics and international governance.

Photo of Adam Machan

Lack Work Experience? Give Yourself a Job - Adam Machan

Adam Machan is the poster child for posters. Chances are you’ve seen his work on bulletin boards around campus. As the founder of Adhelp, a U of G organization that offers free graphic design services, he has designed posters and logos for various student groups.

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