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Supporting Indigenous community members: A message from OAC leadership

OAC leadership acknowledges the pain and trauma of Indigenous peoples following the discovery of the remains of 215 children at the former Kamloops Indian Residential School on Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc. We stand in solidarity with Indigenous communities and we mourn this devastating loss. 

We must continue to educate and reflect, while we challenge the systems that have oppressed and excluded Indigenous people, practices, and ways of knowing.  

Head shot of Michael Smith

New GCUOF Farm Coordinator

The Department of Plant Agriculture and the Ontario Agricultural College (OAC) are pleased to announce Michael Smith as the new Guelph Centre for Urban Organic Farming (GCUOF) farm coordinator. He began in the role on May 20, 2021.

U of G Honoring Cultures, Contributions of Indigenous Peoples Throughout National Indigenous History Month

As we move into National Indigenous History Month, people across Canada continue to process the tragic loss of 215 children at the former Kamloops Indian Residential School on Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc.

This recent announcement is a stark reminder of Canadians’ responsibility to learn about our history and the intergenerational effects of residential schools and our responsibility to continue to work toward reconciliation and decolonization.

U of G Project Awarded National Funding to Assess Microplastics in Water, Soil

Protecting freshwater and farming soils from possible harmful effects of microplastics is the goal of a four-year, $1-million project led by University of Guelph researchers.

One of seven projects across Canada awarded a total of $7 million, the U of G collaboration will receive $999,400 from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council and Environment and Climate Change Canada under their joint Plastics Science for a Cleaner Future initiative. Other funded projects will look at other aspects of plastic pollution.

U of G Runner, Cancer Survivor Completes 150 km Fundraising Run

On May 1, the beginning of Brain Cancer Awareness Week, University of Guelph distance runner Haley Davis set out on a 150-kilometre fundraising run in support of cancer foundations.

Less than three weeks earlier, she completed radiation therapy for brain cancer.

In summer 2019, Davis was diagnosed with a rare brain tumour. A top Ontario high school runner, there was fear the tumour could end her running career. She underwent emergency surgery.

Two U of G Scientists Named as CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholars

Two University of Guelph professors are among 14 international researchers to be appointed as CIFAR (Canadian Institute for Applied Research) Azrieli Global Scholars for 2021-23.

Dr. Rebecca Shapiro, a fungal pathogen researcher in the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, and Dr. Jackie Goordial, an environmental microbiologist in the School of Environmental Sciences, were chosen for the prestigious program.

Wrestling Champ Selected for National Program to Increase Female Varsity Coaches

Natassya Lu became a wrestler in high school on a dare. A friend challenged her to take up the sport and she accepted.

Lu had some losses in that first year, but they motivated her to work harder and get better. She embraced the attitude that there is no failure in the sport; you either win or you learn. She learned and got very good, very quickly. She went from being eliminated in early tournaments to representing Canada at the Pan American Games in her first year of competition.

Dogs on Diets Similar to Their Owners’, U of G Global Study Reveals

Keto, gluten-free, organic: If a pet owner is on a specific diet, chances are their dog is on it, too, a new University of Guelph study reveals.

But when it comes to a grain-free diet, owners seem to choose it more for their dogs than themselves, the study also found.

“It demonstrates that many variables, not just dietary habits, influence the selection of dog food,” said study lead author Sydney Banton, a master’s student in U of G’s Department of Animal Biosciences.

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