Graduate Studies: Applied Social

MA Thesis- Applied Social Psychology

One of the central components of the MA degree is the completion of a thesis research project under the supervision of a faculty member. The type of research project conducted will vary significantly depending on their research interests and the interests of their primary supervisor. Some of the main steps most projects will involve include writing a project proposal, obtaining ethics review, collecting data, analyzing data, and writing up a dissertation. 

Applied Social Psychology - Practicum

The Applied Social Psychology graduate program offers three practicum courses:

PSYC*6471 Practicum I [0.50]

PSYC*6472 Practicum II [1.00]

PSYC*6473 Practicum III [0.25]


As part of the typical requirements, graduate students enrolled in the Applied Social Psychology MA program are expected to complete PSYC*6471 Practicum I. 

Graduate students enrolled in the PhD program may complete up to two additional practicum courses PSYC*6472 Practicum II and PSYC*6473 Practicum III.

Master of Arts- Applied Social Psychology (MA.PSYC)

Students admitted to the MA program are typically expected to apply to continue to the PhD after completion of their MA degree. Thus, our MA program is primarily designed to be comprehensive and to provide the flexibility for graduate students to develop their applied research skills in order to purse a PhD degree. The program provides opportunities for students to engage in such development through three main types of teaching-learning activities: