Animal and Poultry Science
Faculty | MSc | PhD | Shared | Courses
Chair - Ann M. Gibbins (146 ANNU, Ext. 2251)
Graduate co-ordinator - Trevor K. Smith (238 ANNU, Ext. 3746)
Graduate Secretary - Wendy Bauer (144 ANNU, Ext. 6215)

James L. Atkinson BSc UMIST, Manchester, MSc London, PhD Guelph -
Associate Professor
Ronald O. Ball BSc, MSc Alberta, PhD Guelph - Professor
Shai Barbut BS Hebrew University of Jerusalem, MS, PhD Wisconsin
(Madison) - Associate Professor
Jock G. Buchanan-Smith BSc Aberdeen, BS Iowa, MS Texas Tech., PhD
Oklahoma State - Professor
Mary M. Buhr BSc, MSc, PhD Waterloo - Associate Professor
John H. Burton BSA Toronto, MS, PhD Cornell - Professor
John P. Cant BSc (Agr) Nova Scotia, MS, PhD California - Assistant
Pablo E. Colucci BSc, DVM Uruguay, MSc Cornell, PhD Guelph - Associate
Jack C.M. Dekkers BSc, MSc Wageningen, PhD Wisconsin (Madison) - Associate
Cornelius F.M. de Lange BSc, MSc Wageningen, PhD Alberta - Assistant
Ian J.H. Duncan BSc (Agr), PhD Edinburgh - Professor
Robert J. Etches BSc (Agr) British Columbia, MSc McGill, PhD, DSc Reading
- Professor
Ann M. Gibbins BSc Birmingham, MSc, PhD Guelph - Professor
John P. Gibson BSc, PhD Birmingham - Associate Professor
Roger R. Hacker BS Wisconsin, MS Missouri, PhD Purdue - Professor
J. Frank Hurnik BA, MA Nitra, PhD Guelph - Professor
Gordon J. King DVM Toronto, MSc, PhD Guelph, FIBiol - Professor
Steven Leeson MPhil, PhD Nottingham - Professor
Michael M. Lohuis BSc, PhD Guelph - Assistant Professor
Brian W. McBride BSc, MSc Guelph, PhD Alberta - Professor
Ian McMillan BSc, MSc, PhD Toronto - Professor
Larry P. Milligan BSc, MSc Alberta, PhD California (Davis), FRSC - Professor and
Vice-President, Research
Richard D. Moccia BSc, MSc Guelph - Associate Professor
J. Andrew B. Robinson BSc, MSc Guelph, PhD Cornell - Adjunct
Larry R. Schaeffer BS Purdue, MS, PhD Cornell - Professor
Trevor K. Smith BSc British Columbia, MSc Manitoba, PhD Cornell -
Associate Professor
E. James Squires BSc, MSc, PhD Memorial - Associate Professor
Howard J. Swatland BSc London, MSc, PhD Wisconsin - Professor
John S. Walton BSc, PhD Reading - Professor
James W. Wilton BSA Manitoba, MSc Toronto, PhD Cornell - Professor
From the Department of Biomedical Sciences
W. Larry Grovum BSA Saskatchewan, PhD New England - Professor
Associated Graduate Faculty
David T. Armstrong BSA Toronto, MS, PhD Cornell - University of Western
Edward B. Burnside BSA, MSA Toronto, PhD North Carolina - Vice-Principal
Academic, Nova Scotia Agricultural College; University Professor Emeritus
Gerald W. Friars BA McGill, MA, PhD Purdue - Chief Scientist,
Atlantic Salmon Federation, St. Andrews, New Brunswick
Robert A. Kemp BSc (Agr), MSc, PhD Guelph - Adjunct
W. Douglas Morrison BSA Toronto, MS, PhD Illinois - University Professor
Paul B. Pencharz MB Liverpool, PhD MIT - University of Toronto
Denis Petitclerc BSc Sherbrooke, BScA, MSc Laval, PhD Michigan State -
Research Scientist, Lennoxville Research Centre, Lennoxville, Quebec
Charles Smith BSc (Agr) Aberdeen, MSc, PhD Iowa, DSc Edinburgh, FRSE -
University Professor Emeritus
John D. Summers BSA, MSA Toronto, PhD Rutgers - University Professor
Valdes, Eduardo V. BSc Chile, MSc, PhD Guelph - Manager, Animal Nutrition
Centre, Metro Toronto Zoo
Special Graduate Faculty
Paul J. Boettcher BSc Wisconsin (Madison), MSc Minnesota (St. Paul),
PhD Iowa State - Research Associate
Tina M. Widowski BS, MS, PhD Illinois (Urbana) - Research Associate
The Department of Animal and Poultry Science offers programs of
study leading to MSc and PhD degrees. Animals of significance in food production are the
department's major interest and research emphasis. The graduate program encompasses four
fields: animal breeding and genetics (quantitative or molecular); animal nutrition (monogastric or
ruminant); animal physiology (environmental, reproductive, or behavioural); and growth and
metabolism (meat science). The latter field is offered in collaboration with the Department of
Food Science and all fields are enriched through interaction with faculty members from other
university departments.
The major expertise of individual faculty is as follows: animal breeding
and genetics (Boettcher, Dekkers, Gibbins, Gibson, Kemp, Lohuis, McMillan, Robinson,
Schaeffer, Squires, Wilton), animal nutrition (Atkinson, Ball, Buchanan-Smith, Burton, Cant,
Colucci, de Lange, Leeson, McBride, Milligan, Mowat, Smith, Valdes), animal physiology
(Buhr, Duncan, Engelhardt, Etches, Hacker, Hurnik, King, Moccia, Squires, Walton, Widowski),
and growth and metabolism (Ball, Barbut, Swatland).
Admission Requirements
Research in animal science is enriched by the interaction of scientists from
diverse academic disciplines. Accordingly, there are no specific prerequisite courses expected of
applicants to the graduate programs in the department. Each applicant will be considered on an
individual basis, taking into account the applicant's academic background and relevant

The MSc program involves advanced courses and the completion of a
research project. These are means of developing the skills and intellectual curiosity that may
further qualify the student for a leadership role within the animal industry or serve as a
prerequisite for doctoral studies. The MSc degree may be completed via two routes: by thesis or
by course work and major paper. The MSc by course work and major paper is offered in two
areas of specialization: animal breeding & genetics and animal nutrition & metabolism.
Admission Requirements
An honours baccalaureate, with a minimum average grade of `B' during the
last four semesters of study, will normally be required.
Degree Requirements
MSc by Thesis
Candidates for the thesis-based MSc degree must successfully complete a
prescribed series of courses, conduct a research project, prepare a thesis based on their results
and defend this in a final examination. The number of course credits required in this option will
be decided by the student's advisory committee in consultation with the student, and may exceed
the minimum 1.5 credits required by the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Generally, 4 or 5 courses
(1.5-2.0 credits) will be taken, including the mandatory seminar course, 1006600 (0.0
MSc by Course work and Major Paper
Candidates for the MSc degree by course work and major paper option
must complete a minimum of 4.0 credits (9 courses). Of these courses, one will be the
departmental seminar course, 1006600 (0.0 credit), and another will be Major Paper in Animal
and Poultry Science, 1006900 (1.0 credit). The major paper will be a detailed, critical review of
an area of study related to the specialization chosen by the student and should include analyses
and interpretations of relevant data. The content of the major paper will be presented to the
department in the seminar course. At the beginning of the program, the student and student's
advisory committee will design the course-work program according to the program guidelines
and the aspirations and background of the student. Students will normally choose a minimum of
4 courses in the area of specialization, one of which will be Major Paper in Animal and Poultry
Science, 1006900, and a minimum of two courses outside the area of specialization. These latter
courses can be offered by departments other than Animal and Poultry Science. A maximum of
one approved senior-level undergraduate course can be included in the list of prescribed courses.
Recommended graduate courses in the two areas of specialization are as follows: Animal
Breeding & Genetics (1006900, 1006210, 1006240, 1006370, 1006380, 1006390, 1006450);
Animal Nutrition & Metabolism (1006900, 1006010, 1006020, 1006250, 1006260, 1006360,
The MSc by course work and major paper degree will require a minimum
of three semesters of full-time study (or the equivalent).

The PhD program is research oriented and provides instruction and
experiences that develop the student's ability to independently formulate hypotheses and design
and execute experiments or conduct observational studies to reach definitive conclusions.
Admission Requirements
Students entering a PhD program should show potential for independent,
productive and original research. A PhD program can be entered by three routes: following
completion of an MSc program; following transfer prior to completion of an MSc program; and
directly from a bachelor degree. In general, a minimum average grade of `B' for a completed MSc
program plus strong letters of reference are required. Students wishing to be considered for
transfer to a PhD program prior to completion of the MSc program must request the transfer
before the end of the fourth semester and have an excellent academic record as well as a strong
aptitude for research. Direct admission to the PhD program may be permitted for applicants who
hold a bachelor's degree and have an excellent academic history and strong indications of
research potential.
Degree Requirements
Satisfactory completion of a PhD program requires a comprehensive
knowledge of the area of emphasis and the ability to conduct original research in this area, plus a
sound general background in two related areas of study. This competence is demonstrated in a
qualifying examination and through the design and execution of a substantial and original
research project. Based on this research, a thesis is prepared and defended in a final examination.
The number of courses required for a PhD program will be decided by the student's advisory
committee in consultation with the student. The minimum requirement is the seminar course,

MSc (Aquaculture) Interdepartmental Program
The Department of Animal and Poultry Science participates in the master
of science in aquaculture program. Professors Atkinson, McMillan and Moccia are members of
the Aquaculture Interdepartmental Group. These faculty members' expertise includes aspects of
aquaculture; they may serve as advisers for MSc (Aquaculture) students. Please consult the
Aquaculture listing for a detailed description of the MSc (Aquaculture) interdepartmental

Although the courses offered are listed by field, several are relevant to more than one field. Some
courses are only offered when there is a certain minimum enrolment.
Animal Breeding and Genetics
- 1006210 Principles of Selection in Animal Breeding (0.5) F
- Definition of selection goals, prediction of genetic progress and breeding
values, and the comparison of selection programs.
- 1006240 Topics in Quantitative Genetics and Animal Breeding (0.5) W
- Current literature and classical papers pertaining to quantitative genetics and
breeding are reviewed in detail.
- 1006370 Animal Models (0.5) W
- The course covers quantitative genetics theory associated with animal
models; linear models applied to genetic evaluation of animals; estimation of genetic parameters
for animal models; and computing algorithms for large datasets.
- 1006380 Methodology in Animal Breeding (0.5) even years F
- The course covers Bayesian approaches to analysis of data; categorical data
analysis; accounting for selection bias; major gene analyses; models for handling marker genes;
and recent developments in statistical methodology related to animal breeding applications.
- 1006390 Quantitative Genetics Theory in Animal Breeding (0.5) odd years
- Advanced training in the mathematical aspects of
quantitative genetic theory as applied to animal breeding.
- 1006450 Topics in Animal Biotechnology (0.5) W
- The impact of recombinant DNA techniques on present and future research
in animal science and on the livestock industry is critically appraised.
Animal Nutrition
- 1006010 Topics in Comparative Animal Nutrition (0.5) F
- Current topics in the feeding and nutrition of agricultural, companion and
captive animal species. Emphasis is placed on the influence of nutrients on metabolic integration
at tissue, organ and whole-animal levels.
- 1006020 Poultry and Swine Nutrition (0.5) W
- A discussion of current topics in the feeding and nutrition of domestic fowl
and swine based on the critical appraisal of selected journal readings.
- 1006260 Digestion and Metabolism in the Ruminant (0.5) even years W
- A review of current research on rumen function, post-ruminal digestion and host
tissue metabolism, integrating fundamental principles so as to formulate models of nutrient
utilization. The course consists of assigned readings, lectures and tutorials.
- 1006360 Techniques in Animal Nutrition Research (0.5) even years F
- Theory and/or practices of techniques to evaluate feedstuffs and determine
nutrient utilization in poultry, swine and ruminants are covered through lectures, short
laboratories and a major project.
Animal Physiology
- 1006400 Mammalian Reproduction (0.5) odd years F
- Discussions and applications of methodology for collection and
examination of gametes and embryos and for measurements of hormones in biological
- 1006440 Ethology of Farm Animals (0.5) W
- Advanced approach to the principles of behavioural dynamics applicable to
farm animals, to production performance and to animal experimentation. Growth and
- 1006250 Growth and Metabolism (0.5) W
- Animal growth and metabolism are considered at the cellular level in a
manner that extends beyond the basic disciplines of biometrics and biochemistry with attention
focused on the main carcass components - muscle, fat and bone.
- 1006100 Special Project (0.5) F, W, S
- Supervised program of study in some aspect of animal and poultry science
that can involve an experimental project and/or detailed analysis of the literature.
- 1006600 Seminar (0.0) F, W
- This course is required for successful completion of MSc and PhD
programs. The major findings of the thesis or major paper are presented to the department.
- 1006900 Major Paper in Animal and Poultry Science (1.0) F, W, S
- A detailed, critical review of an area of study related to the specialization of
students in the MSc by course work and major paper option that includes analysis and
interpretation of relevant data.
Undergraduate Courses:
A maximum of one senior-undergraduate course per degree may be taken
for graduate credit as authorized by the department.