Faculty | MSc (Aqua) | Courses
Chair and graduate co-ordinator - Richard D. Moccia (139 Animal & Poultry Science, Ext. 6216)
Graduate secretary - Sandra Brown (134 Animal & Poultry Science, Ext. 2689)

James L. Atkinson - Associate Professor, Animal and Poultry Science
James S. Ballantyne - Associate Professor, Zoology
Hugh W. Ferguson - Professor, Pathology
Moira M. Ferguson - Associate Professor, Zoology
Thomas F. Funk - Professor, Agricultural Economics and Business
John F. Leatherland - Professor, Biomedical Sciences
Ian McMillan - Professor, Animal and Poultry Science
Richard D. Moccia - Associate Professor, Animal and Poultry Science
David L.G. Noakes - Professor, Zoology
Wayne C. Pfeiffer, Associate Professor, Agricultural Economics and Business
Rosalynn M.W. Stevenson - Associate Professor, Microbiology
Margaret Thorburn - Assistant Professor, Population Medicine
Glen J. Van Der Kraak - Associate Professor, Zoology
Rickey Y. Yada - Professor, Food Science
Associated Graduate Faculty
C. Young Cho - Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
G. Ab B. Moore BA Western Ontario, BD Victoria, MA, PhD Syracuse - Retired
The university offers an interdepartmental program of study leading to the degree of master of science in
aquaculture [MSc (Aquaculture)]. The participating units are the Departments of Agricultural Economics and
Business, Animal and Poultry Science, Food Science, Microbiology, Nutritional Sciences, Pathology, Population Medicine, Rural Extension Studies, and Zoology.

Aquaculture is the production of biomass of any aquatic plant or animal, including algae, molluscan, crustacean, and fish species,
through artificial cultivation techniques. The MSc (Aquaculture) program is a non-thesis degree option consisting of courses and a special
project related primarily to the production of coolwater and coldwater fin-fish species. The objective of the degree is to provide an intensive,
multidisciplinary program of study, without areas of sub-specialization. Graduates will obtain an integrated, technical knowledge of the
concepts of animal production, agribusiness and state-of-the-art technology as they relate to aquaculture. The program includes a wide range of
courses, a special project requirement and a practicum intended to provide essential experience in applied fish-production systems.
Admission Requirements
Students may be admitted to the MSc (Aquaculture) program from a variety of undergraduate backgrounds, including honours degree
programs in animal or agricultural science, environmental biology, fisheries biology, marine biology, microbiology, nutritional sciences, wildlife
biology, and zoology. The adequacy of a student's background and experience will be assessed by an admissions committee before a student is
permitted to enter the program. All applicants must meet the university minimum criteria for admission to graduate studies. In addition, the
admissions committee will look for relevant work experience or recognized educational training in agrifood systems and aquatic or fisheries
Applications must be accompanied by a letter of intent expressing the student's reasons for wanting to enter the program. Prior
completion of introductory basic science courses will be expected.
Degree Requirements
The program requires the completion of a minimum of 39 course credits. Students will be permitted to take additional, elective course
credits if desired. At least 21 of the course credits will be at the graduate level and all undergraduate courses must be eligible for graduate
credit. The selection of the courses will be dependent, in part, on the courses completed in the student's undergraduate program. The total
duration of the program is expected to be 3-4 full-time semesters, or longer if part-time study is undertaken. Detailed schedules of studies are
available from the program co-ordinator or from any member of the graduate faculty in the program. The student's advisor will provide
leadership in making arrangements for, and providing advice on, the student's overall program, including the special project. Students in the
program will be under the guidance of the Aquaculture Interdepartmental Group, and will register both in the interdepartmental program and in
the department of their advisor. The Aquaculture Interdepartmental Group consists of members of the graduate faculty whose teaching or
research interests are wholly or partly related to aquaculture.

- 0806000 Special Project in Aquaculture (6) S,F,W
- An intensive learning opportunity focusing on an applied problem in the aquaculture industry. Completion of a
literature review and project, in concert with hands-on experience with live animals, either in a research or commercial
setting, form the basis of a final report and oral presentation to be made to a committee of core program faculty. Practical
experience is also gained through on-site training at the Alma Aquaculture Research Station.
- 0806100 Science and Technology in Aquaculture (3) F
- A formal lecture, student seminar and essay course designed to examine the role of science and technology in the
aquacultural industry. Latest advances in the scientific community are explored, with special attention to those
developments having promise for commercialization and technology transfer to the private sector. The course will explore
the relationships between basic and applied science, and the development of new technology for the industry.
- 0806200 Practicum in Aquaculture: Culture of Salmonids (3)
- Using a problem-solving approach, students will complete a series of models at the Alma Aquaculture Research
Station covering topics in water management, hatchery operations, propagation techniques, feeding and nutrition, health and
disease, economics and regulatory issues. Students will solve practical problems from both a theoretical and applied
Other Graduate Courses Eligible for credit in the MSc (Aquaculture) program:
- Department of Agricultural Economics and Business
- 0206120 Marketing Management (3)
- 0206430 Case Studies in Farm Management (3)
Department of Animal and Poultry Science
- 1006450 Topics in Animal Biotechnology (3)
Department of Consumer Studies
- 2606010 Product Development and Management Systems (3)
Department of Rural Extension Studies
- 3806130 International Extension Studies (3)
- 3806190 Communication and Interpersonal Relations (3)
- 3806311 Extension Methods (3)
Department of Food Science
- 4206230 Food Product Development (3)
Department of Zoology
- 9206550 Aquaculture (3)
Undergraduate Courses Eligible for Graduate Credit
(Students must not have received credit for these courses as part of their undergraduate programs.):
Department of Animal and Poultry Science
- 1004050 Recombinant DNA in Animal Science (4)
- 1004150 Principles of Farm Animal Care and Welfare (3)
Department of Consumer Studies
- 2603010 Quality Assurance (3)
- 2603780 Economics of Food Usage (3)
Department of Human Biology and Nutritional Sciences
- 7103230 Animal Nutrition (4)
- 7103340 Nutrition of Fish and Crustacea (3)
- 7104210 Nutrition, Exercise and Energy Metabolism (3)
Department of Pathology
- 7303600 Principles of Disease (4)
- 7304100 Diseases of Aquatic Animals (3)
Other relevant graduate and undergraduate courses may be taken for credit subject to the approval of the student's advisory committee.